Chapter Sixty

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(Niall – 22. Louis - 14)

"You have to eat, Lou," Niall pleaded, raising the fork of food again.

Louis shook his head. "I'm not hungry."

"Please, Lou."

Louis stubbornly shook his head again.

"Please just eat for your babies, keep them healthy and safe," Niall pleaded, raising a hand suddenly to his mouth, feeling his throat constrict with morning sickness again.

"Okay," Louis replied numbly, taking the fork quietly and swallowing the small mouthful.

"More, please," Niall demanded.

Louis sighed but forked up more food, he didn't even know what it was, for his babies.

Both Omega's heads snapped up when there was a knock at the door. Louis' face blanched, but Niall grabbed his arm and made him sit still.

"Liam, the door!" Niall called out, already guessing who were at the door. He shoved the plate closer to Louis.

Louis obediently took another forkful, then threw down the fork and started running for the bathroom on the ground floor of the home. Niall immediately ran after him, shutting the bathroom door behind them and falling to his knees behind Louis, trying to comfort him as Louis threw up everything he had in his stomach. Niall guessed that he was throwing up because of the morning sickness, but the racket the triplets were creating when they were trying to get in probably didn't help Louis.

Niall made sure to take care of Louis in the bathroom, with the door closed firmly, dabbing his skin with a wet facecloth and making him sip at a glass of water. He listened closely to Liam refusing the triplets entry, already imagining the trademark disapproving look on his Alpha's face.

He didn't lead Louis up the stairs and to the guest room until he knew for sure Liam had locked the door in the triplets faces. Niall silently tucked the duvet around Louis and kissed him on the forehead.


Niall turned back to the bed as he was just about to close the bedroom door.

"Cuddles?" Louis whispered, raising his arms in the air.

Niall smiled and walked over to the bed, getting under the duvet and wrapping his arms tightly around Louis. "Always."

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now