Chapter Twenty-Three *MATURE*

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"Edward, please," Louis giggled, trying to shove off the Alpha, but he persisted and clung tighter onto Louis' hips, the next week, whilst Louis was trying to bake a cake for Niall as his Heat finished the night before.

"Let us help, pint-size," Edward gruffly pleaded, standing flush against Louis' back, grinding against his plump backside to help his cause.

"Fine," the Omega whispered. "You can-you can weigh the flour, Harry can sieve it and Marcel can get the cake tin ready."

"Thank you, pint-size," Edward smiled, giving the back of Louis' neck a kiss and playful nip. He let his teeth catch onto Louis' skin harmlessly, tugging enough for Louis' eyes to become half-lidded and a whine to escape his lax lips. The Alpha stepped away with a smirk whilst his brothers did what Louis had suggested, liking the little start the Omega involuntarily did when he came back to his senses.

They got the cake in the oven as quickly as they could, getting away with only minimal spillages; the salt being put into the batter instead of sugar and resulting in having to start over again; and only a tiny bit of flour on each of their clothing (Marcel had felt left out so purposefully rubbed himself against his Mate to get some flour onto himself).

Louis plopped into a kitchen chair, just as the triplet's suggested dinner. The Omega immediately stood again. "What would you like?" he asked, already opening the fridge to see what they had.

"I'll make you dinner tonight, princess, you deserve a rest after baking that cake," Marcel explained, wrapping an arm around Louis' waist and leading him back to the kitchen chair again.

"But, you helped with the cake, as well," Louis pointed out, twisting in Marcel's arms so he was free, but Harry's arm wrapped around his shoulders instead and he was sat down in the vacated chair.

"We didn't do too much, pint-size," Edward joined in with a smirk.

"But-but I want to make dinner for you," Louis persisted.

The brothers ignored him and went about the kitchen, grabbing ingredients. Louis was always amazed at how they were able to communicate silently, like they were able to speak telepathically.

"Marcy," Louis whispered, putting on an innocent, vulnerable tone. He could understand that the Alpha's were just being kind and loving, but he was the one who had jumped into the Alpha's lives uninvited and he wanted to do nice things for them, so they wouldn't think he was ungrateful and taking all this for granted.

However, Marcel ignored Louis' soft call, keeping his tough façade up, bar a small flinch which he quickly tried to cover up. Louis had thought he was the one most likely to relent and let him join in the preparation.

"Eddie?" he asked the Alpha doing something at the sink, but he didn't get any response at all. He turned to the last triplet fiddling with the oven. "Harry?"

All he got was a smirk.

Louis sighed and sank into the chair, crossing his arms in a huff.

Although, he couldn't keep up the huffing façade when a plate was set down in front of him. The triplets couldn't help chuckling when he immediately dug into the spaghetti.

"Happy, kitten?" Harry questioned, eating with one hand with the other twisted in Louis' hair, stroking his scalp.

Louis smiled and leaned into the touch. He happily rubbed his sock-covered foot against someone's bare foot under the table, which he guessed was Marcel's, as Edward's hand was currently rubbing against his thigh, not moving higher up his thigh.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now