Chapter Fifty

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I'm so fucking annoyed with the deleted chapters thing! Like it doesn't matter really about this book, but Selectively Mute was at 920k reads, and went down to 860k reads! Like I know it sounds petty, but it is so fucking annoying that I worked so hard and those people are never going to read it again! All because I panicked because I thought my parents were going to look at it! Jesus Christ!

Crap, that's a lot of swearing!


(Niall – 17 weeks pregnant

Louis - 9 weeks pregnant)

"You're looking beautiful tonight," Edward complimented Louis in the restaurant, at the start of their little date.

"Thank you, you're not looking too bad yourself." Louis didn't feel ashamed at running his eyes over his Alpha's body appreciatively, and gladly sat down in the seat Edward pulled out for him.

Louis took the offered menu with a smile, Edward snatching his and glaring at the waiter instead. Louis had gotten used to Edward's grumpiness at all times and realised now that the Alpha didn't mean to constantly glare at everyone except his brothers and Mate.

"Would you like to order your drinks?" the Gamma waiter asked.

"I'll have a water, thanks," Louis smiled.

"Red wine," Edward demanded.

The waiter nodded and scurried off.

Louis rolled his engagement ring around his finger. It was getting a bit tight, his fingers thickening because of the pregnancy, but he was determined to wear it for as long as he could. "Can you try to smile, please?"

Edward sighed but did as his Mate asked. Louis was always surprised at the beautiful smile his Alpha had, dimples showing similar to his brother's. It was always a wonderful surprise and Louis couldn't help but beam back.

"I hope Harry and Marcel will be okay," Louis whispered.

Edward rubbed his foot against Louis' under the table. "They're big boys, pint-size, they can handle themselves."

"Are you ever going to call me anything other than pint-size?"

"Never," Edward smirked.

Louis was about to reply, when suddenly water was poured all over his lap. Louis shrieked at the coldness.

Edward shoved his chair back, the wood landing on the floor with a crack, and growled at the waiter, grabbing his shirt and pulling the Gamma nose-to-nose.

"What the fuck?" he seethed, growling through his clenched teeth.

"Edward – " Louis whispered, standing up, some water dribbling down his legs.

"I-I tripped – " the waiter began to stutter out, but Edward interrupted him.

"You fucking bastard, who do you think you are?" Edward shook the man.

The whole restaurant was silent, watching the trio. It also could have been down to the fact that the Styles were practically royalty. Many women were pondering which hats they were going to wear to the Gamma's funeral.

"Edward," Louis whispered again, not even thinking twice about putting his hand on Edward's back, rubbing in soothing circles. "I'm okay, love, can you put him down?"

"He fucking threw water all over you, the bastard fucking humiliated you. I'll skin him alive." Edward bared his teeth at the Gamma.

"Eddie, I don't want to exactly wear his skin at the moment as a coat. I'm cold and wet and would like to have a nice dinner with you, please."

Edward shoved the Gamma away and turned back to Louis. The Alpha coaxed him to sit back down in his seat and reached behind him to grab the waiter's apron, yanking it off him and dabbed it on Louis' lap, trying to soak up the water. Edward looked up at Louis through his eyelashes.

"Good Alpha," Louis praised, stroking Edward's curls appreciatively.

"Mr Styles," the manager bumbled, running over to them, "we are so sorry. You orders tonight are on the house."

Edward's eyes snapped up to the large, sweating man. He pulled himself up from his knees and sat down in his own chair again. "We want the most expensive things on the menu," he growled.

The manager swallowed, already seeing the pound signs running down the toilet. "Right away, sir." He grabbed the pale waiter by the shirt and yanked him off to the back.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked his Omega.

"We're all fine," Louis smiled, hand going to his small baby bump.

"So," Edward grabbed the wine bottle which the waiter had been able to get to their table in one piece, opening it easily and pouring himself a liberal glass, "you're wet?"

Louis laughed loudly at the Alpha's smirk and curious, raised eyebrow, head thrown back. Edward sat an elbow on the table and leaned forward, sipping from his glass, entranced by the joy on his Mate's face.


"What movie would you like to see, pint-size?"

Edward's arm tightened around Louis' waist as they both looked up at the movies available. Louis subconsciously fiddled with the waiter's apron he was still holding.

"Something funny," Louis whispered dismissively.

"What about the new one with your woman?"

"Oh, 'Spy'? Yeah, it looks good."

Edward splurged, getting V.I.P seats and any snack that Louis even glanced at. Louis happily relaxed back into the comfy, brilliant seat, taking a big gulp of his drink. Edward sat all their snacks on the little side table and turned back to Louis, throwing his arm around Louis' shoulders and, instead of bringing Louis closer to him, leaned closer himself and snuggled into Louis' shoulder, nuzzling his neck.

"What's got you so cuddly and protective tonight?" the Omega asked, running his hand through Edward's hair.

"You're soft and cuddly," Edward said, surprisingly soft.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," Louis said, not even fazed any more from what Edward said, which many would take as offensive.

"It is," he whispered, raising a hand to paw at Louis' bump.

Louis raised an eyebrow but the movie started, diverting his attention.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now