I need your advice!/Boy troubles

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Hi, guys! Hope you can help me here! So, I met a guy last night when I was out partying and we got to talking. He was really sweet and any friends that were saying hello to him, he was introducing them to me. And he didn't go with his friends, he stayed and kept talking with me. I said to him at one point that it's okay to go with his friends, but he actually stayed with me! We were talking about literally everything, even the meaning of life. He's so sweet and is really cute and my height! When we were talking he was leaning up to listen to me (I was wearing heels so slightly taller than him). During the middle he was suddenly touching the small of my back and when I had to leave (my friend got a little too drunk and was throwing up) he squeezed my waist and said he'd see me later. When we were looking at something on my phone he got really close to me and was leaning his head against mine. Didn't exchange numbers. I really frigging liked him!
At the end of the night it turns out we were getting on the same bus to go back to the uni. We talked a little bit getting onto the bus, but there was an empty seat beside me and he didn't take it. There was also another girl wearing his jacket.
Guys, I felt butterflies near him, so today I friended him on Facebook (wasn't hard to find him - knew his first name and we have mutual friends). Literally in a blink of an eye he'd accepted it.
But, he hasn't messaged me, and I changed my profile pic on Facebook and he didn't like it.
Guys, I have no idea on what to do in this situation and have never experienced this before. I'm sorry for the long dribble, but can anyone give me advice? Should I message him? But I don't want to annoy him! And he probably doesn't like me, he was probably just being friendly because he couldn't get rid of me.
I've convinced myself in the last half hour that it would be stupid for him to like me and I should just forget about him.
As you can probably see I am a very self-conscious girl.

It turns out he's one of friends ex-boyfriends friend, and they were sort of slagging him off this morning, even though everything they're accusing him off is literally nothing!
And what should I say if I message him?

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