Chapter Forty-Nine

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Again I apologise for the deleted chapters!

So, I got the job! The trial run went really well, but I had a numb arm for days! That's sounds so bad! I had to carry around a heavy, hot tray of mashed and roast potatoes! It would have been grand, but the tray is actually so heavy! Rang up today for my schedule and I have to be in everyday, but it's varying times! Another problem is it changes every Sunday, so updates are going to be weird! My first shift is 7am-11am tomorrow morning, which, you know, I have the rest of the day to write, but I think the woman might have mentioned something tomorrow night as well but not sure! On Saturday I have a wedding from 12pm-12am! It is going to take a while to get adjusted to these weird times!

But, hopefully because I'm a few chapters ahead than you and have reached the plot twist, the writing will be much easier and quicker!


(Niall – 17 weeks pregnant

Louis - 9 weeks pregnant)

"What are you hoping for?" Niall asked Liam, sitting outside Zayn's office.

"That they are healthy, darling," Liam replied, wrapping an arm around Niall's shoulders and pulling him into his side, nuzzling his hair.

"Good answer," Niall giggled, kissing Liam's jaw, but jerking away from the Alpha in surprise when the office door was opened and Zayn called them in.

Niall instinctively walked over to the bed and climbed up on it, Zayn not having to give him instructions anymore.

"Do you want to find out the genders?" Zayn asked, spreading the jelly around Niall's belly to find each baby.

Niall looked at Liam one last time, before turning back to Zayn and nodding eagerly.

It took a couple of tries, but Zayn was finally able to figure out what the genders were.

Niall cried when he heard he was having a little girl. Liam nearly cried when he heard he was having a little boy.

When Liam was wiping off the jelly, Zayn printing out the sonograms, Liam stopped, hand on Niall's belly, and looked up at his Mate.

"Did you feel that?" the Alpha whispered, eyes wide.

All Niall could do was nod, his throat choked by more tears.

Their little ones were kicking.


By the time the happy couple got home what had started as a shower had turned into heavy rain. Liam was trying to pull Niall along as fast as he could to get home but, even without Niall being pregnant, he still hated to run and was a lost cause.

Niall pulled Liam to a stop just a few metres from their front door.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked, trying to move again, but Niall pulled him back to his side.

"I love you," the Omega whispered.

"I love you, too, Niall, but you're going to get sick if you stay out in this rain any longer."

"Liam, wise up and stop for a second," Niall whispered, before grabbing the lapels of Liam's jacket and pulling him in for a deep, but sweet, kiss.

Liam forgot about the rain sliding down their faces, sticking their hair to their foreheads and necks, and slipping down the back of their necks, soaking their shirts in freezing patches. All the couple could think about was showing their sweet love for each other through the cheesy medium of kissing in the rain. Liam didn't even tell Niall "I told you so" when the Omega woke up sneezing in the middle of the night.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now