Chapter Eighty

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(Louis – 33)

A week later the whole Styles clan were sitting around a massive table, having their annual family dinner. Louis had, even though his Alpha's said not to if he was feeling sore, heaved himself up from bed, had a refreshing shower, changed into comfortable clothes and waddled over to meet his new, extended family. Of course the Alpha's had to help him at every step, but Louis was an independent, strong man so no one had to know about the help.

That was how Louis found himself picking at the food on his plate and not really listening to the conversation going on around the table, not even caring about what everyone else was laughing at. Louis tried to massage his stomach with one hand, but it still felt firm and uncomfortable under his fingers. He decided that he just had to pee, so he excused himself, politely declining Harry's offer to come with him.

When Louis was finally sitting on the toilet he felt some relief with his legs spread slightly. He felt a gush of water, but the pressure didn't let up and he felt a sharp pain shoot through his stomach. He immediately heaved himself up to standing when the pain lessened and looked into the toilet bowl. As relieved as he was not to see any blood, he knew instinctively that pee wasn't that pale.

"Holy shit," he whimpered, falling back to sitting on the toilet when he felt another contraction. When the pain faded, he took a couple of deep breaths and thought about what he was going to do.

So, he was in labour, he could definitely figure that out. He didn't know how far along he was, but he couldn't check how dilated he was himself. This labour was dangerous, because he'd miscarried one of his little babies, so he was going to have to be extremely careful. But, his biggest priority was to get to the hospital right now, and that could only be done with the help of his Alpha's, considering he couldn't exactly walk down the stairs at the moment.

"Alpha?" he whimpered, as another contraction hit. He tried calling for his Alpha's individually after the contraction, but he had no energy to shout or scream for his Alpha's to hear him. Even though they had brilliant hearing, the room was loud downstairs and could drown out any of his noise.

The only thing Louis could do was try to attract his Alpha's attentions by conveying them through the Mate bond.


Marcel hissed when he felt his Mate Mark burning downstairs, distracting him from the story his mother was telling the rest of the Styles Clan about when they were children and she had found the triplets huddled together, smelling like roses. The boys had never admitted to raiding her makeup collection and trying out every shade of perfume. Marcel looked up at his brother, Harry, who made a disgruntled noise and who was scratching furiously at his Mate Mark. Marcel didn't even have time for the conclusion to process in his mind before Edward was throwing his seat back to the ground, already coming to the answer.

Louis was hurting upstairs.

Marcel and Harry were quick to scrape back their own seats and ignored the questioning looks from their relatives to plow up the stairs in Edward's footsteps.

They found Edward throwing his body, shoulder first, against the bathroom door, Louis unable to walk the short distance from the toilet to the door. Louis' groan muffled by a sob, because of a contraction, was the only thing needed for Edward's strength to reach it's peak, and the door flew inwards to bang against the wall.

The triplets rushed into the bathroom and surrounded Louis, kissing him and carrassing him gently, trying to comfort him.

"I need to push," Louis whimpered to Marcel, clenching his hand tightly.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now