Chapter Two

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Sorry that this is late! I had absolutely no time yesterday and I didn't even get on to wattpad. Then today I was in the town getting my eyebrows done (my formal's on Wednesday) which took ages because it is snowing and it is icy! I got my UCAS in! If you're not from the UK, you might not know what a UCAS is, but its basically the applications for university in the UK! Finally got that in and, hopefully, next year I'll be away!

Anyway, lets see how this next short chapter is!


"Who the fuck are you?" the Alpha holding tightly onto Louis growled, throwing the Omega onto the bed like he was a ragdoll and standing up, toe-to-toe, nose-to-nose, with the new Alpha.

Louis cowered in the corner away from the two Alpha's poking each other in the chest and growling lowly to each other, too low for Louis to hear, until the Alpha kneeling beside Niall decided that he should intervene as well. Louis crawled over to Niall's lifeless figure and shook him, begging him to wake up, mumbling and bubbling, choked up by his tears. He uselessly dabbed at the blood streaks on Niall's cheek with the corner of his too large tee-shirt, babbling.

"I want the Omega," the new Alpha with curly hair, green eyes and stubble growled again.

"And I asked who the fuck you are?"

"No one you need to worry about," Curly smirked.

Louis would have missed Curly's fists shooting up and punching one Alpha in the face, grabbing the other by the throat, if he hadn't have been moving to the top of Niall's head to rest the heavy, unconscious limb on his lap.

Curly extended the nails of his free hand into wolf claws, grinning whilst he cut the throat of the Alpha he was holding tightly around the neck, letting him fall to the ground in a heap. He turned his gaze lazily to the other Alpha who was struggling to stand again. Curly grabbed him by the hair with an annoyed sigh and yanked him to his feet, the Alpha yowling in pain.

Curly wrapped his free hand around the Alpha's throat with a tsk. Just before he crushed the Alpha's windpipe with the pressure he said, directly into his ear cheerily, "Don't step foot on my land again."

And with that the Alpha was released to fall on top of his colleague.

Next, Curly turned to Louis.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now