Chapter Sixty-Four

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(Niall – 24. Louis - 17)

"Are you excited?" Niall giggled, sitting outside Zayn's office.

Louis nodded quietly.

"What do you think they'll be?"

"Hopefully healthy," Louis deadpanned back.

Niall sighed. "Please, Lou, all I want is for you to be happy. Please smile."

Louis forced himself to smile up at his best friend, who he knew just wanted the best for him.

"There we go," Niall smiled sweetly back for only a second before the door beside him was being opened.

"So, how are you, Louis?" Zayn asked as he closed the office door.

"Fine," Louis whispered, getting up onto the table and lifting his shirt.

Niall scowled at Zayn over Louis' head. Zayn cleared his throat nervously, a little bit terrified of the Omega.

"Okay," the Beta started, "let's see what gender these little ones are." He liberally squirted the gel across Louis' belly before picking up the ultrasound wand and moving it around Louis' big belly. He turned the monitor away from the Omegas and smirked every time he figured out another gender. After he gave some tissues to Louis to wipe his belly and the Omegas were seated in front of his desk, he finally asked if Louis wanted to know what the genders were. Louis nodded quietly, Niall grabbing his hand and squeezing it to reassure him.

"So, Louis, you are going to be a mummy to a boy and two little girls," Zayn said, pointing out each baby.

Louis shakily accepted the sonogram, Niall quietly accepting some more copies, and looked lovingly down at the black and white picture, subconsciously running his free hand over his belly.

But, he quickly pulled his hand away and gasped in shock.

Niall was immediately turning towards him and grabbing his arm, and Zayn was already up on his feet and walking around the desk to kneel in front of him. Louis ignored all that they were asking him, whispering to himself, "One kicked."

Niall went quiet and Zayn tried to remember all that he had learnt in university on how to deal with this sort of situation. "That's good, Louis," the Beta promised.

Tears trailed down Louis' cheeks. "Please, don't tell the triplets," he started sobbing, frantically grabbing Zayn's shirt in panic.

"I won't," Zayn promised.

Suddenly, Louis' nose was wrinkling and he was standing in a matter of seconds. "Marcel's coming," he whispered, "we have to go. I don't want to see him," he started panicking.

Niall wrapped an arm around Louis' waist. "We'll go now," he reassured.

Niall never thought he would have to do it, but he actually had to slow Louis down from a near-run to a walk. He had never seen Louis act like this before, but he could only think about getting Louis out of there as quickly as possible.

When Niall looked in the rear-view mirror as he pulled out of the hospital car park, he didn't think it was a good thing to mention to the fragile Omega that a certain Alpha was standing at the hospital entrance, looking completely destroyed, hair all tousled and clothes messy, not what the normally neat Marcel usually looked like.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now