Chapter Forty-Seven

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So, I'm a few chapters ahead and I have just wrote the big plot twist. Prepare yourselves for chapter fifty-seven...


(Niall – 15 weeks pregnant

Louis - 7 weeks pregnant)

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Louis hissed at the triplets, watching the Alpha's pull on their jackets.

"It'll be fine, Louis, princess: you have mum and Gemma to keep you company. We'll be back soon," Marcel promised.

"You all can't just take one day off?" Louis whispered, fisting Edward and Harry's jackets to prevent them from leaving.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

Louis finally relented to whining, trying to guilt his Alpha's into staying.

Marcel leaned forward and kissed his Omega's cheek. "You'll be fine, princess...I think."

Louis promptly smacked Marcel on the arm.

Edward and Harry chuckled, leaning forward and planting kisses on each of Louis' cheeks, before the triplets turned and closed the door the door behind them as they left.

"How far along are you?"

Louis startled and jumped around to the feminine voice. "What do you mean?"

Anne put her hands on her hips, smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth.

"How did you figure it out?" Louis whispered.

Gemma rolled her eyes and turned, walking into the kitchen.

Anne's face broke into a smile and she stepped forward to pull Louis into a hug. "Mother's intuition, now let's make dinner."

Anne led Louis into the kitchen and Louis lifted an eyebrow in confusion at Gemma. "Um, what are you doing?"

"We're going to show you how to make the triplet's favourite dinner, so you can surprise them," Gemma explained, opening up more cupboards.

Louis bristled. "I can already provide for my Alpha's, thank you very much."

"Louis, we don't mean any harm, it would just be a nice little surprise," Anne supplied.

Louis narrowed his eyes at them, but sighed. "What are you making?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs, but mum's special, need-to-know-basis meatball recipe," Gemma smiled secretively.

"Can't beat mama's meatballs," Anne piped up, getting out some utensils. "You just sit your pretty little backside on that seat and I'll write down the recipe for you later."

Louis obediently sat down on a barstool and watched the women work.

"So, how far along are you?" Anne repeated.

"Seven weeks," Louis subconsciously smiled. "Don't tell anyone though, just encase," he added.

Gemma and Anne didn't question him.

"So, how are the three idiots coping with the news that they'll be daddies soon?" Gemma asked.

Louis blushed. "They seem very happy...terrified but happy."

"They've never even seen someone close go through a pregnancy before," Anne explained. "Did you have siblings?"

"Yeah, I was the youngest though," Louis sighed. "This is a new experience for us all."

"Where are your siblings now?" Gemma asked.

" Pack was the Government Alpha's...Niall and I were the only ones to...survive," Louis whispered.

Anne and Gemma looked at each other. Anne nodded at her daughter.

"You're okay now." Gemma tried to sound comforting, walking over to Louis and wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug. "The triplets won't let you go, and you have all of us now, promise."

Louis returned the hug, burying his face in her neck and breathing in a comforting scent that had some vague similarities to his Mates.

"The triplets...lost their father when they were young," Anne whispered from the side-lines.

Louis cocked his head towards her but stayed tight to Gemma.

"It hit them all hard. We gave them the choice, to start to learn how to be Head Alpha or lead nearly normal lives. They had to grow up fast when they picked to be the Head Alpha's."

"But, Harry is the one who works in the office?" Louis' eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Harry was the only one who had the patience to sit in an office and fix things professionally. Edward and Marcel were more hands-on. They all have their jobs as Head Alpha's: Harry keeping track of the paperwork and the general goings-on; Edward making sure security is the best it can be; and Marcel over the health sector. They may seem like they're in completely different realms, but they make decisions together."

"I don't know how I got so lucky, I don't deserve them," Louis whispered.

"Don't put yourself down," Gemma scolded. "You're meant to be together, with those babies. Can't wait to have nieces and nephews," she cooed.

"Plural?" Louis asked.

"The triplets have multiply genes (I know that the multiple gene usually skips a generation, but go with it), and you've got a bigger bump than someone with singles at the same stage as you. I think I'm going to have a nice handful of grandbabies," Anne provided.

"Speaking of grandbabies, they're liking the smell of those famous meatballs of yours," Louis giggled.

"Honey," Anne rolled her eyes, "the meatballs win everyone over."


"The three lugs will be home soon," Gemma sighed, "you better surprise them with dinner."

"There might be no meatballs left if they don't come home soon," Louis giggled, leading his Mates' mother and sister to the door.

"Take care of yourself, Louis," Gemma whispered in his ear when she pulled him into a tight hug.

"If you ever have any questions or need help or anything, I'm only a phone call away," Anne promised, hugging him gently and kissing him on the cheek.

Louis closed the front door behind them with a smile, going back to the kitchen to set the table and calling each triplet to find out when they would be home.

His second experience with the Styles family didn't go too bad and he knew he had plenty of support. It nearly made up for them scaring the life out of him when he was naked. Nearly. 

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now