Chapter Fifty-Four *MATURE*

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I am so sorry for these really slow updates! I'm working long hours at work and this is my last summer holiday, hopefully, before I start university, so trying to do as much as I can. A lot has happened since my last update: all these terrorist attacks that are happening in France and Germany is absolutely disgusting, everyone who is living in these countries please stay safe. This is just showing it doesn't matter who you are, anything can happen to you. SSTomlinson has left wattpad, which is horrible because I read/was reading all her books! I wish her the best if she doesn't come back. Ruth B's 'Lost Boy' is on the radio all the time now! Glad that she's becoming this celebrity! I was at Galgorm Castle yesterday for the golf and I got Niall's autograph! I basically spent the whole day with him! But, I realised something: he is literally an ordinary boy! I admire him for signing or taking photos for everyone! I hope I get to meet him someday! But, another thing I realised is that there are a lot of Directioners who just want that autograph! I went to the NI open yesterday because I like golf and Niall being there is just an added bonus, but there were so many girls there who had no idea! Niall was playing with three other amazing golfers, but no one took any notice of them, I was the only one who clapped for them! And last but not least, 'Selectively Mute' came first place in the Liam Payne category of the BandFictionAwards which is absolutely amazing! Everyone who is reading this book who read 'Selectively Mute' thank you so much for all the support! It means so much to me!!!



(Niall – 19. Louis - 11)

"Good morning," Louis yawned, turning over under the duvet to kiss Harry's bicep.

"Hi, kitten," Harry mumbled, eyes still closed, face half buried in the pillow.

Louis ran his hand down Harry's back. "So, because you're the only one off today, what would you like to do?"

"Why don't we go on a date?" Harry wiped his eyes sleepily.

The Omega cuddled up to his Mate's arm. "Doing what?"

"We can figure that out as we go along."

"Spontaneity is romantic." Louis kissed Harry's bicep again.

Neither of them made a move to actually get up.

"Are we going to do this?" Louis asked after a few minutes, still not making a move to move.

"Yep," Harry sighed, pushing himself up too fast and making a pained noise instead, falling back, face-first, into the pillow.

"Harry?" Louis squealed, terrified from what had just happened. "Are you okay?" He ran a hand gently down Harry's back.

"Yeah, my back is just a bit sore."

"It doesn't sound a bit sore," Louis whispered.

"It will be fine in a minute," the Alpha persisted.

"You need to do something about this back of yours."

"Louis, kitten, don't worry about it. Let's get ready for this spontaneous date."

"We are not going anywhere. Let me help you."

"No – "

Louis threw back the duvet and straddled the back of Harry's thighs.

"Okay," Harry whispered instead, wrapping his arms around the pillow.

Louis leaned over his back and whispered, "Just relax." The Omega gently dug his fingers in Harry's back, trying to massage the muscle. He dipped his thumbs and pressed down.

"Shit," Harry nearly whimpered, practically turning to putty in Louis' hands.

Louis smiled smugly and moved his hands further down his Mate's back. He pressed the heels of his hands into the small of his back, scooting his backside closer to Harry's knees so he could have better access. He cheekily patted Harry's backside, bringing a giggle and chuckle from them both.

"You're so tense," Louis whispered into Harry's ear, scooting back up again to sit square on his Mate's backside. "You need to relax." He pulled on Harry's earlobe with his teeth.

Harry groaned and suddenly turned over under the Omega. He grabbed Louis' hips and gyrated their hips together.

"I need to massage you, make you less tense," Louis whined, but his body wasn't against this new idea.

"I know another way to relax me," Harry growled. He coaxed Louis to kneel above him and pulled the little panties Louis was wearing to the side, baring his clenching hole.

Harry circled his leaking hole and pushed in two fingers. Louis gasped and moaned when he felt the cold ring at his rim.

Before Harry had the chance to do anything else except a few pumps of his fingers, Louis was pulling away, wrapping a small hand around Harry's cock and steadying it. The head caught on his leaking, loose rim and he sank down slowly, relishing in the feeling of one of his Mate's stretching him wide.

When Harry tried to help Louis, the Omega slapped his hands away. Louis put his hands on Harry's stomach, over the fern tattoos, and balanced himself, moving up and down on the cock. He moved his hips, trying to find that special spot, and nearly screamed when Harry's cock head grazed across it.

Louis closed his eyes and panted, making sure to ride Harry nice and slow. He clenched around the plumping knot pulling at his rim.

"Want to try something," Louis panted, pulling off the cock.

Harry nearly whined at losing the tight heat, but the noise was cut off by a satisfied growl when Louis turned round on Harry's lap. He steadied himself by clasping a hand on Harry's thigh, the other hand placing the cock head at his entrance and he slowly sank down again.

Harry couldn't take his eyes off the site in front of him: Louis' plump, full backside going up and down on his cock. Louis squealed every time his prostrate was bumped. Harry couldn't resist giving the perky backside a gently slap, groaning when the flesh jiggled. The Alpha placed his hands on both cheeks and pulled them apart, even circling Louis' stretched hole, which pulled Louis' orgasm from him.

Louis fell forward onto Harry's thighs, panting against the Alpha's knee. Harry grabbed Louis' hips and kept him close whilst his own hips ground up, ripping his own orgasm from him, his knot popping.

Harry needed a breather for a few seconds before he was able to open his eyes and pull Louis back up and to his chest. The Alpha moved them onto their sides and cradled Louis in his arms.

"We didn't get to go on that date," Louis panted, intertwining their hands together over his belly.

"Well, it was still quality time together."

Louis giggled sleepily. "And you're relaxed."

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now