Chapter Fourteen

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So sorry that this is so late! I have my mocks all next week and I'm at the stage at the moment where you think you know nothing! I haven't even gotten to write anymore chapters in this book to use for updates because I've been so busy! I also started my monthly present from Mother Nature the other day and I've been really sick. When I was younger, they were really bad, so bad that I throw up because I get really bad sore heads (I've always gotten sore heads in sressful situations, so it doesn't help that I have my mocks next week), but they started to mellow out and I'd get used to the slight pain, you know normal cramps. But, then, of course, this one came out of nowhere and I feel like shit. I feel so crap!

You're probably thinking: why is she stressing so much about mocks? They don't mean anything! Well, I'm the type of person who likes to do well in tests, because I really don't want to go home with a crap mark. I also feel like I have to do well in the class, because in junior school I was in 'E', so it was the middle band, but all my A-Level classes mostly have 'D' band people, who were the top band and their classes were kinda like grammar school level. So, you know that they think you're stupid, so I feel like I have to prove myself. Especially this year, because I haven't been doing too bad and I want to keep that up! My teachers this year seem like they believe in me, but my English teachers have never liked me! They don't think I'm doing well at all. I keep on getting essays back from my 'Jane Eyre' teacher with A-/B, but she never tells me anything about how I could approve and just keeps on rewriting my paragraphs in the essay. She said on the last one that I should watch out for my language techniques, because apparently they're not right, but I got a tutor this year who reads over my essays and corrects all of that! She's never liked me because she came in in yr 5 to cover for my teacher who was on maternity leave and she wrote on one of my essays 'Is this your own work?', and my father rang in and gave her a bollocking for that. Obviously it was my own work!

So, yeah, sorry for such a late update! And this is short, which is making me feel crap for you guys, but I don't want to give you lots of updates because then I'll run out of chapters and you'll probably have to wait ages! I feel like such a crap author and updater! I'm so sorry!

What did you think of the last chapter? I was blushing the whole time I was writing it! Thank goodness I got my own laptop and it's password protected, so my family can't see what I'm writing!


The next morning, Louis woke up to mumbling. When he turned over, pulling the duvet closer around him and burying his face in the pillow, his eyes opened slightly before closing again.

They immediately sprang open again, accompanied by a scream.

There were two women looking down at him.

Louis threw the duvet over his head and reached around the bed, trying to find at least one of the triplets, but there was no Alpha in the bed.

He scrambled off the other end of the bed, trying to stay as far away from the women who were smiling and watching him creepily.

"He's pretty," the younger woman said to the elder.

Before the older woman could reply, there was running feet up the stairs and someone crashed into the door-frame of the master bedroom. Louis looked up with relief as the Alpha, Harry Louis noticed, stepped into the bedroom and immediately up to the women.

"Mum – " he began to scold the woman, but Louis unintentionally interrupted him.

"'Mum'?" he parodied.

"Yes, dear, I'm the triplets mother," the woman in question smiled kindly, like she hadn't just scared the living daylights of the Omega.

"I'm Gemma, their sister," the other one added.

Louis brought a hand up to his head, massaging his forehead with his fingers.

"Louis!" he heard a shocked squeal from the doorway.

Louis looked up in response to Marcel's shocked gasp.

"You're naked!"

Louis looked down at his naked body, just to get the embarrassment into his system, before pouncing for the duvet and wrapping it around him.

"Mum," now it was Edward who appeared in the doorway, "Gemma, I thought we told you not to go near Louis," he hissed, walking over to the shaking Omega in question and enveloping him in his arms, rubbing his back and running his fingers through his hair.

"We wanted to meet him," Gemma whined.

"You were going to meet him when he came down for breakfast. We had a late night last night," Marcel explained.

"Oh, we know," their mother laughed, "how do you think we found out about him? You put on quite a show in the club."

Edward immediately covered Louis' ears.

And that was how Louis Tomlinson met his future mother- and sister-in-law.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now