Chapter Forty-Six *MATURE*

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(Niall – 14 weeks pregnant

Louis - 6 weeks pregnant)

"Are you sure Liam approves of this?" Louis questioned, looking warily at the list Niall was keeping in a notebook of all the furniture he wanted.

"He's going to have to approve of it," Niall dismissed, measuring a sofa and writing it down on the list. He snapped the measuring tape shut again before turning back to his best friend. "It's a bachelor pad that needs renovating."

"What did he do?" Louis asked knowingly.

"Ate the last of the ice-cream and didn't think of telling the pregnant Omega with the cravings."

Louis rolled his eyes. "I am not getting involved in this lover's tiff."

"Oh, this isn't a tiff. He doesn't get to say anything."

"Okay, moving on, how are you doing?"

"I'm getting my gender scan next week, I'm so excited!"

"Well, they say when you're having a boy the butt area gets a little bigger..." (I don't know, I think I heard it once before, but just go with it.)

"That's rich coming from you," Niall smirked.

"Any other news?" Louis giggled, running his finger subconsciously over the top of a chest of drawers.

"I'm feeling little kicks. Liam can't feel them, but...I'm actually pregnant!"

"I know how you feel, it hasn't really hit me yet, probably won't have hit me until I start pushing out the pup. It's all been so fast – a year ago we were in the forest terrified at every little noise."

"God, you're so depressing, way to kill the mood! Let's go and get something to eat! We need to cheer you up!" Niall nearly shouted and Louis wouldn't have been surprised if he started clapping after every sentence, like he was trying to excite an infant.

"I was wondering when you'd tell me we needed to eat."

"Shut up, you!"


"And how was your day, my precious little angel?" Edward sighed, plopping down beside Louis on the sofa and snuffling into his neck.

"I spent it with Niall. It was nice. You all don't realise how lucky you are to have me, not spending money when I'm mad at you."

Edward cocked an eyebrow, but didn't question it. "What do you have there?" he asked, looking down at the open bag perched on Louis' lap.

"Black liquorice."

"When have you liked black liquorice?"

"Since today."

"Is this something I'll have to stock up on?"

"Most definitely," Louis grinned, refocusing back onto the television and sucking the end of a liquorice tube.

"Well, as long as mummy and baby like it, I don't care."

"Did I ask for your opinion?"

"Do I have to put you offer my lap, pint-size? Spank you for being sassy?"

Louis looked at Edward, challenging him.

"Behave, pint-size," Edward warned.

Louis smirked and swung a leg over his lap, seating himself firmly on top of Edward's crotch. He picked up another piece of liquorice and sucked on the end. "Want you, Eddie," he whimpered.

"You'll have to work for it yourself: you're being naughty."

Louis huffed, but fisted a hand in Edward's hair and rocked his hips, making sure to grind his cock against Edward's stomach at the same time.

"Keep going," Edward moaned.

Louis finished the liquorice and dropped his head onto Edward's shoulder, whining. He impatiently grabbed Edward's hands and set them on his hips, wanting him to do something. "Please, Edward, need more."

"Come on, babe, make a mess. You wearing your panties? Love your panties. Naughty boy." A hand rubbed over Louis' backside covered by Harry's soft jogging bottoms, landing a sharp slap there unexpectedly.

Louis squealed, throwing his head back.

"Bad boys need their punishment." The Alpha landed another smack, this time keeping his hand there and feeling the jiggle of his backside.

Louis moaned and his body shuddered, falling limp against Edward's chest. Edward growled and held Louis' hips down as he thrust up fast and hard, shouting out Louis' name as he came.

Louis nuzzled Edward's jaw, giving it little pecks with his lips. "Edward?" he whispered, tracing one of the Alpha's scars.

"Yes, pint-size?" Edward asked softly, pulling Louis close.

"I made a mess."

"Yeah, have to clean you up."

"And I'm hungry. Feed me."

Edward chuckled, standing up with his Omega in his arms.


Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now