Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Someone gave me this idea! I can't remember who you are, but it was comment a while ago and I hope I wrote to your expectations! 

This is actually one of my favourite chapters...


Louis jumped as he was preparing lunch in the kitchen when Harry and Edward's stern, rough, hushed voices in the living-room raised in volume and the brothers were suddenly screaming at each other, a week after the nightmare and wolf picnic. He dropped the glass he was washing in the sink, hoping it wouldn't break, and grabbed a dish cloth, drying off his hands whilst he speed-walked to the living-room to see what was going on. He knew something was wrong when Harry had marched into the house earlier, not looking for Louis but shouting for Edward.

"You stupid idiot! You can't just tell them to go home and to never return!" Harry roared.

"I think I know more about what's happening in the ring with the fighters than you do, little brother. All holed up in that damn office all day! What the Hell do you do anyway?" Edward shouted back in return, bruises and dried blood on his face. Louis made a mental note that he'd have to go to town and find out if he could buy Edward something for those little scars and bruises, a moisturiser or something.

"I'm older than you, you bastard! I'm the one paying your Goddamn wages! It was his first day learning how to fight! Give them a break!" Harry growled through his teeth, stepping up nose-to-nose with one of his triplets.

"You couldn't even throw a punch, you wuss!" Edward challenged with a smirk.

Harry's fist suddenly flung out and he hit Edward square on the jaw. His brother's head flew to the side and he took an involuntary step back.

Louis knew that he definitely had to step in now. He dropped the dish cloth and tried to separate the Alpha's but he was too late: Edward's head had already snapped up and he murmured "You little fucker", swinging his fist towards his brother but missing, instead hitting a pale, soft nose.

Both Alpha's watched in shock, their fists frozen in the air, as their Mate couldn't even get out a little nose before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes.


"What the fuck happened?" Marcel growled, running into the living-room. He had ran home as soon as he had gotten the frantic call from Harry that something had happened to Louis. He wasn't even out of breath – the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

He stopped in the door frame with a growl when he found his brother's kneeling over Louis, Edward holding a dish cloth against Louis' nose. They were both cooing to the Omega, trying to wake him up, but the Omega had his eyes closed.

He walked over to Louis and pushed his brothers out of the way, kneeling down beside Louis and caressing his cheek, making little cooing noises, as he pulled away the dish cloth slowly and gently.

"The bleeding's stopped," he grumbled, throwing the bloody tea towel in the direction of his brother's.

Louis made a little mewling nose and Marcel coaxed his eyes open with gentle words. Louis' eyes fixed on his gentle Alpha and he smiled sleepily, whining, whimpering and wincing when he suddenly felt the pain of his nose. Tears welled in his eyes as Marcel helped him to sit up, his brothers coming over to help the Omega.

When Louis was standing, mostly steady on his feet, he noticed Marcel standing in front of him, the Alpha's eyes fogged with anger. He took a wobbly step towards the Alpha with a small, delicate hand lifting to cover his nose. "Daddy," he whimpered in a daze, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Hey, baby," Marcel smiled.

"Daddy?" Edward whispered, looking at Harry with a raise eyebrow and his nose crinkling in confusion.

"Yes," Marcel glared, before looking back at his hurt Mate. He tried to lower Louis' hand, but the Omega shook his head and took a step back into Harry and Edward. "You have to let me see, Louis, princess."

"It hurts," Louis whined.

"I know, baby," Marcel cooed, "but I have to make sure you're okay."

Louis shook his head defiantly.

Marcel sighed and gave a pointed look to Edward. "Do the thing."

Louis knew what was happening and shook his head, but his action was too late: blunt teeth had already caught the back of his neck and tugged, arms wrapping around Louis' waist so he would have something to support him. The Omega's eyes half-lidded and a keen escaped his relaxed lips as his mind went blank, hand falling back to his side.

Marcel smiled comfortingly at Louis and took a slow step towards the Omega. Louis whined involuntarily. Marcel lifted his hands and felt Louis' tender nose delicately with the tips of his fingers. Louis' eyes already had dark bags under them, but that could just be down to the strong blow and the size of Edward's fist compared to Louis' face. He sighed in relief and took a step back when he deduced that it wasn't broken.

"Just a little bleed and a bit of shock," he mumbled. He caught Louis' shoulders when Edward let go of his neck and the Omega fell forward with just Edward's arm around his waist supporting him.

"Sleepy, daddy," Louis whimpered, mouthing at Marcel's neck.

"I said that I wouldn't be coming back for the rest of the day, so Louis and I are going to bed now. You are welcome to sleep on the sofa," Marcel explained to his brothers, picking Louis up and helping the Omega wrap his arms and legs around him.

"Marcel – " Harry began to protest, but he was cut off by his brother.

"Princess isn't in the right state of mind at the moment. This better not happen again, or I'll beat the shit out of both of you, brother or not," Marcel smiled innocently, before walking out of the room.


It wasn't until after dark when Louis woke up again with a bloody sore headache and face. He whimpered into Marcel's bare shoulder as he sat up. The Alpha began to stir, but he just gave him a kiss on the cheek and shushed him – he knew how much the Alpha had been under stress lately, and how little sleep as well, getting in late and leaving early.

He slowly tip-toed downstairs and into the living-room, sighing when he saw his other two Alpha's sprawled over a sofa each, watching television. He silently went over and took firstly Edward's hand then Harry's, pulling them up and leading them back upstairs.

"Pint-size – " Edward began when Louis had smothered them all under the duvet.

"It doesn't matter. I'm okay and I hope that you two have worked out your differences. I love you, Edward," he gave the tough Alpha a kiss on the cheek, then leaned over him, giving his other Alpha a kiss on the jaw, the only thing he could reach, "and I love you, Harry. Now, let's all get some sleep."

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now