Chapter Fifty-Six

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(Niall 21. Louis - 13)

"You excited, Louis?" Marcel teased, taking his eyes off of the road and giving the vibrating Louis an amused look.

"Yes, of course! We're going on a road trip! I've never done this before," Louis squealed, playing with the fingers on one of Marcel's hands.

"Just a short road trip, home by tomorrow morning," Marcel reminded.

"Take a left," Louis suddenly said.

Marcel turned onto the road, giving Louis a quizzical look.

"Let's be spontaneous." Louis smiled up at Marcel. "Let's get lost."

Marcel watched Louis in his peripheral view, not quite believing that he had got this Omega. Louis was better than they deserved and Marcel never forgot to remind himself that.

"Lead the way," Marcel commanded softly, squeezing Louis' little hand on the Omega's thigh, one finger brushing against his belly.


"Can't believe you did this, Marcy," Louis said lovingly, snuggling into Marcel's chest and slipping his legs between Marcel's. Marcel was lying on his back across the backseat of the car, in a pile of the triplets clothes because he wanted Louis to be comfortable, Louis lying on top of his chest.

"Just want you to be happy, princess," Marcel replied, kissing Louis' forehead.

Louis sighed and grabbed a random shirt, bringing it to his nose and breathing deeply, recognising the Alpha, whose arms were around him, delicious scent. "The stars are pretty," he whispered, looking sideways up at the dark sky through the open skylight of the car.

"Not as beautiful as you."

Louis giggled and feigned a disgusted, unamused voice, "That is so cheesey."

"It's the truth!" Marcel jokingly exclaimed.

Louis lifted his chin to look up at him and puckered his lips. "Love you."

"Love you, too," Marcel chuckled, pecking Louis' lips. Then did it a couple more times just for good measure. "And I love my babies as well."

"Our little babies," Louis whispered, kissing Marcel's neck lazily. He snuggled the Alpha's collarbone. Even though the Omega tried to fight it, his eyelids were harder to open each time he tried to blink.

"Goodnight, princess," Marcel whispered, littering Louis' hair in more kisses.

"Night, my love," Louis slurred, eyelids heavy.


The couple were driving back straight after they watched the sun rising. It was difficult to find their way home, trying to find the path Louis had demanded the day before. Louis deterred Marcel off the path even more when he saw a McDonald's sign in the distance, convincing Marcel to go through the drive-thru by claiming that, that was what the babies were craving. Of course, Marcel had to pull into a pound shop to get black liquorice as well, because the babies needed that sweet.

The couple got home before Harry and Edward woke up. Louis and Marcel quietly slipped underneath the duvet, Louis cuddling up to Harry's back, reaching across Harry's body to wrap a small hand around Edward's bicep. Marcel slid in behind Louis, snugly spooning the boy. Harry unconsciously turned over in his sleep, like he was magnetically drawn to Louis, wrapping an arm around Louis' waist and pulling him close, his other arm folding underneath his pillow. Louis folded his free arm and pushed it underneath his head, so he was able to fist Marcel's hair.

It was a good morning.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now