Chapter Sixty-Seven

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(Niall – 26. Louis – 19.)

An hour later, Zayn again came into the small hospital room. "Marcel just started his shift, I had to tell him."

The trio snapped their heads up to look at the doctor.

"He's rang Harry and Edward," Zayn whispered.

Niall stood up to give Zayn a piece of his mind, to tell the Beta that it was Louis' decision, but he was stopped short when Louis started struggling to get off the hospital bed. Liam helped him, not wanting the Omega to hurt himself even more.

"Lou?" Niall questioned when Louis walked numbly past him and Zayn, but Louis ignored him, walking straight out of the room without a word, hospital gown swinging around his legs.

Louis slowly shuffled down the white corridors, his nose hairs burning at the smell of the strong disinfectant. His hands softly cupped his belly, his fragile mind wanting to do anything to keep his remaining babies safe.

When the Omega reached a T-junction in the corridor, he looked down to the right.

Marcel's white coat flapped in the air as he ran in the direction of Louis.

Louis looked down to the left corridor.

Harry was running shirtless and shoeless. Edward was sprinting covered in blood and bruises, boxing tape hanging loose from his wrists.

Louis broke down in tears and collapsed to his knees, curling around his belly.

Edward was skidding to a stop beside his Mate, pulling him into his arms, as Harry and Marcel fell to their own knees around Louis. The triplets cocooning him in safety.

"I'm sorry," Louis wailed, screaming in emotional agony.

"It's not your fault," Edward promised, rocking Louis back and forth.

"You're such a good mummy," Harry reinforced, tears glistening on his own cheeks, and cupped Louis' cheeks, crushing his lips against the Omega's forehead and letting his tears soak Louis' hair.

"I'm so sorry," Louis cried, slacking limply into Edward's arms. It was his fault he lost his little girl, he couldn't keep her safe when that was his only and most important job.

"We love you," Marcel sobbed into Louis' shoulder, "we love you so much," he promised.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now