Chapter Thirty-Four

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Hi, so sorry that I'm only updating now! I'm so bloody busy!

Niall - eight weeks pregnant


The sound of a quick heartbeat resonated around the room.

"And by the looks of it you have two little, healthy baby," Zayn smiled down at Niall, grinning up at Liam, whilst moving the ultrasound wand again to get a better look at the growing foetus.

Niall was lying on the table, his shirt pulled up to show off his stomach. Liam was holding onto his hand tightly, smiling proudly. Whilst Louis stood at the door. Niall and Liam offered for Louis to come to the ultrasound today, and how could Louis refuse? He had nothing better to do, just sitting in Harry's office and having to stay quiet.

As Zayn organised with the couple another ultrasound, the one which would determine the gender of their babies, there was a rap at the door. Zayn motioned for Louis to open the door, and the Omega found one of his Alpha's on the other side of the door, in his pristine white coat.

"Hi," Louis giggled, beaming and falling into Marcel's open arms, giving each other a tight hug.

"I was wondering if you'd like to see something," Marcel asked.

Louis frowned. "What is it?"

"A surprise," the Alpha smirked.

"Go ahead, Lou," Louis heard, and suddenly he was being shoved, with Marcel, into the hallway.

Louis turned round to give his best friend a glare.

Niall retaliated by sticking out his tongue and grabbed Liam's hand, walking away.

Louis sighed and took Marcel's outstretched hand. It was just down the corridor when Marcel pulled Louis into a room. In front of them there was a big window.

Louis frowned and stepped further into the room tentatively. He gasped when he got a peep through the window and was suddenly speed-walking up to the glass, his hands lifting to press against the spotless surface and leaving fingerprints.

There were loads of babies in little hospital-cribs.

"Babies," he whispered bluntly, involuntarily smiling and giving a few waves at the babies.

Marcel watched Louis fondly from the door, before he stepped forward and wrapped an arm around Louis' waist, pulling the Omega into his side. His hand reflexively moved to sprawl across Louis' stomach, massaging the little pudge.

He couldn't wait to have a little replica of them running around the house.

A little hand dropped to rest over the Alpha's paw.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now