Chapter Seventy-One

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Some mature content.


(Niall – 30. Louis – 23)

Louis stumbled sleepily into the kitchen after his nap a week later to find just Edward standing at the counter, cooking dinner.

"Where's Marcel and Harry?" Louis asked, slipping into a chair.

Edward dished up their plates and sat down opposite Louis before answering the question. "We thought it would be a good idea if you and me spent some alone time together, so they've went out."

Louis nodded and picked up his fork, picking at his food like he's started doing again recently.

They ate dinner in silence and moved into the living room when they'd finished, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa to each other. Edward put on a movie.

"That was nice furniture you ordered," Edward said after ten minutes, cutting into the silence, trying to make some small talk.

Louis only responded by silently nodding, not taking his eyes off the television.

It took another twenty minutes for the couple to realise that they were gradually migrating towards each other, meeting in the middle of the sofa. Louis looked up at Edward, and the Alpha opened his arms for Louis to fall into. Louis curled up on Edward's lap as best as he could with his belly getting in the way. Edward nuzzled Louis' hair and thumbed his stomach. Louis redeemed the affection by kissing Edward's neck daintily.

Edward sighed and shifted Louis around until he could fall back onto the sofa, pulling Louis over the top of him. He massaged one hand down Louis' back, caressing the Omega's side with his other hand. He accidentally ran his hand over one of Louis' pectorals, bigger than normal because they were full of milk, but Louis squealed in response and flinched away.

Edward looked down at Louis in shock, one eyebrow raised. "What happened?" He grabbed the hem of Louis' shirt and raised it before Louis realised what was happening, to find something taped over his nipple.

Louis sighed. "They're sensitive and sore. That's a nipple pad."

"Why are you wearing a nipple pad?"

Louis blushed in embarrassment and hid his burning face in Edward's shoulder. "I'm leaking," he mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I'm producing a lot of milk, so I'm leaking, so I have to wear the nipple pads so I don't stain my shirts. And the pressure is making them sore."

Suddenly Edward was sitting up, pulling Louis up with him. He manoeuvred Louis so he was straddling his lap.

"What – "

"I can help relieve the pressure," Edward interrupted him.

Louis' mouth dropped open. "Um, okay," he whispered, not expecting what Edward did next.

Edward immediately pulled Louis' shirt over his head and threw it to the other side of the room. He peeled away the nipple pad and threw it away as well, before pulling Louis closer by the waist, wrapping his mouth around the inflamed nipple and sucking gently.

Louis gasped and tried to pull away at the foreign feeling, but Edward made sure to hold him close.

After a moment Louis sighed and rested his cheek against the crown of Edward's head, wrapping his arms around the Alpha's shoulders. It was relieving the pressure in his chest, but he also felt the connection between himself and Edward becoming stronger. The moment was made even more special because it wasn't going to end in any funny business. It was so comforting to him that after Edward had been nursing the second nipple for a few moments, Louis actually let his eyes slip shut and he had to fight sleep. He didn't notice that Edward had pulled away until he was being lifted, wrapping his arms and legs around Edward and holding on tight as Edward switched off the television and walked up the stairs to their bedroom. Edward laid Louis down on the bed and stripped him down to his pretty panties. He covered Louis up in the duvet first, before he stripped down himself to nothing and slipped under the duvet behind Louis, pulling him close, spooning him.

"I love you," Edward whispered, kissing Louis' temple.

"You, too," Louis mumbled before he passed out.

They didn't even wake up a couple of hours later when Marcel and Harry tried to quietly creep into the room.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now