Chapter Fifty-Two

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(Niall – 18 weeks pregnant

Louis - 10 weeks pregnant)

Liam watched helplessly as Niall leaned over the toilet again and threw up everything he had in his stomach.

"Why is it called morning sickness if it lasts all," Niall heaved again, "fucking day?"

"I don't know, sweetheart." Liam thread his fingers through his Mate's hair and down his back.

"It was supposed to stop this morning," Niall sobbed.

"Don't cry, darling, I'm sure it will stop soon."

Niall forced himself up to his feet and over to the sink. He splashed some water over his face. "I need to get groceries." He took a couple of deep breaths.

"No, Niall, you are going to stay here and get some rest." Liam grabbed his Mate's shoulders and tried to guide him back to the bedroom.

"But – "

"What about I call Louis to help?"

"I can't bother him like that...but I do need groceries."

"I'm sure he won't mind."


"Thanks so much for this, Louis," Liam sighed. "This is the shopping list."

"It's really no bother, Liam," Louis dismissed with a flick of his hand, taking the list. "So, how is he?"

"Up in the bathroom spewing his guts out."

"Actually, the baby has decided to give me a few seconds to come down here and thank you for doing this for us," Niall spoke up as he walked down the stairs, hand over his belly.

"Niall," Louis admonished, concerned about how pale Niall actually looked, "it really is no bother. I need to get out of the house and Harry can come with me.

"Now, you go and have some rest and, Liam, you can make him some tea. Harry's waiting for me in the car. I'll be back in a wee while." With that, Louis turned and closed the front door behind him.

"Oh, not again," Niall whined, turning and running into the kitchen, to the sink, hand covering his mouth and belly.

Liam was close behind and soothingly rubbed Niall's back as he threw up nothing.

"I can't wait until I get to hold this demon spawn," the Omega whimpered.


"It says here that they want a loaf of bread, so if you run over to that aisle I'll get all the biscuits. Speed us up a little bit," Louis ordered.

Harry didn't even have a chance to ask where the hell the bread aisle was before Louis was pushing the shopping trolley down the biscuit aisle.

Louis hummed to himself, focusing on trying to find the specific brands that Niall wanted and wondering if he would just accept whatever he got because Louis was already sick of walking back and forth along the aisle.

"Excuse me?"

Louis' head snapped up to the strange Alpha man.

"I was wondering – " the man's innocent inquiry was cut off by Louis' blood-curdling scream.

Louis tried to step back but the shopping trolley blocked his path and his brain didn't register that he could push the trolley out of the way. Tears streamed down the Omega's cheeks and his voice went hoarse.

Suddenly, he was being wrapped up in strong, familiar arms. He didn't notice Harry gradually calming down as the man explained that his child had wandered off and he was trying to find his Omega daughter.

"You're alright, kitten, I have you," Harry tried to calm his Mate.

"Don't let them take me away," Louis screeched as Harry tried to hold him tight, the Omega taking the movements the wrong way.

"It's okay, no one's taking you, I'm here," Harry tried to shush him, taking the opportunity of Louis stilling for a second to grab the Omega's thighs and lift him up, to wrap his thick legs around the Alpha's hips.

Harry held Louis up with one hand curved around his backside and raised the other hand to wrap around the back of his neck. He massaged the skin, rubbing against the Mate Marks soothingly, reminding some part of the Omega's mind that he had Mate's who loved him and who weren't going anywhere. Louis finally calmed down a bit, snuffling into Harry's neck, wiping tears over the Alpha's shirt.

Harry carried Louis out of the shop, the Omega wrapped tightly around him, still massaging and pulling at the back of his neck.

Harry ignored the sympathetic looks from onlookers and forgot about the abandoned trolley.


Louis was near unconsciousness by the time the couple had got home, but there was still a wave of threat floating through his mind, keeping him awake because of survival instincts.

Harry knew that Marcel wouldn't be able to come home, but Edward was running home as soon as Harry called him.

Marcel came home a few hours later to find his brothers and Mate drowning in the duvet wrapped around them in the living-room. Marcel stripped and slid underneath the bottom of the duvet, settling his head on Louis' belly, where he made sure to place four kisses, one for Louis and three for his little babies. They were safe, he'd make sure of it.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now