Chapter Eight

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I wish you all a very merry Christmas and the best in 2016! :-)


Niall and the triplets fought but eventually after a heated, hushed debate, they came to a decision and Louis was taken back to the triplet's home where he would get cleaned up and then looked at by Marcel. Louis wouldn't let Niall's hand go, so the new couple were also dragged along.

Harry was the one who finally had to pry Louis' hand off Niall's and took him up to the ensuite, because he didn't want Louis to use the communal bathroom of the house – he wanted him to use the triplets wash things and hopefully he would smell like them.

Louis was handed a towel, another shirt of Edward's (Harry's shirts were too fancy and Marcel's shirts were too formal) and a pair of Marcel's boxers, which Louis shyly took with a blush and no eye contact.

After Harry promised that he would be waiting in the bedroom for Louis to come out again and to shout if he needed anything, Louis scurried into the bathroom.

It took him a minute to figure out how to work the shower, but when he got it to a steaming hot and had stepped under the spray, he almost squealed in joy. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been able to wash with hot water. He used every soap and shampoo he could find to scrub himself clean – the triplets were giving him this, so he might as well return the favour and smell like them to some extent. He absentmindedly hummed in his head, actually feeling care free which he hadn't felt for a long time, oblivious that Harry could hear everything and was smiling, the first smile that had graced his face in a while.

Louis pouted when the water began to get cold, knowing that he would have to leave the shower and go back to reality. He grabbed the fluffy white towel and dried himself thoroughly, then pulled on the shirt and boxers, the shirt falling to his mid-thigh like the previous one. He padded to the door, creaking the wood open and peeking curiously out at Harry sitting on the bed.

"Ready to go, kitten?" Harry asked, standing.

Louis nodded and stepped out, closing the door behind him.

Harry offered him a hand and, after Louis extended then pulled back his hand several times, tangled their fingers together, pulling unconscious smiles from them both.

"Why do you call me 'kitten'?" Louis whispered as he was led out of the bedroom he had woken up in that morning.

"Because you're soft and cute, but you also have some claws," Harry chuckled.

"But, I'm not cute; I'm a vicious wolf." Harry noticed how Louis' voice grew in volume as he grew more confident. He couldn't help but laugh when the Omega tried to growl like a 'vicious wolf' but it sounded more like a disgruntled purr.

"See, you just proved that you're cute," Harry chuckled.

"But-but, I'm vicious. I broke Edward's nose," Louis tried to redeem himself.

"You made it bleed, kitten."

Louis huffed, pouting. "Thanks?"

"Yes, kitten, it is a compliment. Do you remember much from last night?"

Louis' mind filled with unwanted images, so he shook his head and pressed closer to Harry as they walked down the stairs.

"We'll just try to forget that night, hm?" Harry suggested, leading them over to the living-room where everyone else was gathered.

Louis determinedly nodded in agreement. "So," he timidly asked as he was led over to the sofa and seated beside Niall, "what do you do in the Pack?"

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now