Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Double update because I love you all so much! I'm just really hoping that I have enough chapters already written to get me the end of the bulk of my exams, because I probably won't be able to write! I have around 42/43 (?) done, so that should hold me over!

If you would like to read just a cozy, relaxing novel where you think you can achieve anything, I'd recommend 'The Little Shop of Happy-Ever-After'. And, if you'd like a real page turner about 'demons', I'm currently reading 'The Dark Days Club' by Alison Goodman, and I'd totally recommend it!


"I'll rip their fucking heads off," Niall growled a couple of weeks later, chucking the box of biscuits onto the table in front of Louis.

It was the week after Louis had nearly gotten his nose broken, and it was the first time the two friends had met up in person since the incident. Eventually, Niall had rang up the Styles household and demanded that Louis should come over, even though Louis had been trying to avoid Niall, just talking to him over the phone, because he didn't want him to see what had accidentally happened.

When he showed up at Niall's front-door, the rain pouring down around him and soaking him to the bone, he knew by the look on his face that he was well and truly busted. It was very hard to hold back Niall when he had his mind set on something, this time on marching over to each triplet and hurting them, and Louis even had to revert to locking the front door so Niall suddenly couldn't disappear.

"Look, Niall, I know it looks bad – " Louis started, referring to the slight bruising and swelling around his nose.

"Are they abusing you?"

"What? No!" Louis screeched. "It was a little mistake. Harry and Edward were fighting, I tried to intervene and the rest is history."

Niall sighed, setting their cups of tea down. "Okay, but you'd come to me, right, if they started doing things you didn't like?"

"Of course," Louis promised with a smile, reaching across and taking Niall's hand.

"I just want you to be safe," Niall whispered.

"Niall, I promise you that if anything happened, you'd be the first one I'd tell."

"Okay." Niall shoved the box of biscuits over to him. "Eat a biscuit. Put some weight on."

"I changed the other day," Louis said absentmindedly, poking through the box for any biscuits that he thought he might like.

"What do you mean?" Niall looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I changed into my wolf. We went out for a picnic and a trip down to a little river," Louis said with a smile, pulling out a biscuit and nibbling on it. He nodded approvingly.

"You changed into your wolf," Niall whispered, not even looking at the box which Louis pushed over to him. "What was it like?"

"It was painful at first, but when I was able to do it, I felt so free," he said, taking a sip of his tea. "You should do it sometime," he recommended.

"Um, yeah," Niall whispered, putting the lid on the biscuits tightly and shoving the metal away.

"Niall," Louis studied the Omega in confusion, setting down his mug soundlessly, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Niall replied, wiping his hand across his suddenly sweaty brow.

"Why are you not eating? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes." A second later he stood up and amended his answer with a "No", before he took off running out of the kitchen.

Louis jumped off the stool and ran after his friend. He kicked the bathroom door shut and kneeled down behind Niall, running a hand through his hair and rubbing his back with the other. He told Niall to stay down whilst he dampened a face cloth and wiped the Omega's flushed, sweaty face. He made sure that Niall wasn't going to throw up anymore, before he demanded that be brush his teeth, then helped him to the master bedroom and tucked him under the duvet.

"What's wrong, Niall? Why didn't you just say you were sick?" he asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I'm absolutely fine," Niall persisted.

"Why were you sick then, smart ass?" Louis teased, tucking the duvet in around Niall tighter, however Niall's next words stopped his hands.

"I'm pregnant."

Louis' head snapped up with a "What?"

"Well, I had a thought so I tried a pregnancy test. It said I'm three weeks pregnant, but I might not be. So, Liam booked an appointment at the hospital in a couple of weeks for a scan," Niall explained.

"Wow, you're pregnant," Louis said straight-faced, which quickly turned into a smile then a giggle. "You're pregnant! You're happy, right?"

"I'm very happy, Lou."

"So am I!" Louis laughed, lying down beside Niall and hugging him, receiving a tight squeeze in return.

After a few content minutes, Louis realised that Niall had started dozing off. He kissed the Omega's cheek and sat up, asking in a hushed whisper, "Would you like anything before I leave?"

But he didn't get any response from the sleeping Omega who turned onto his side to snuggle his face into the pillow. Louis quietly walked out of the room and closed the door with a soft click behind him.

So, surprise! This book centres more around the pregnancy than 'Selectively Mute' did, and I'm gonna give you a big clue:


It will become more obvious later on!!

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now