Chapter Fifty-Nine

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(Niall – 22. Louis - 14)

Louis felt numb as he watched his Mate, his fiancé, kissing a girl up against a taxi.

He watched in slow motion as Edward lifted his head at the sound of Harry's growls, then doing a double take when he realised who it was. Edward pushed away from the girl, an apologetic look on his face, and started trying to rush over to them, his family, but it was already too late. Edward was grabbed by Harry, who furiously shook him and was yelling something at him.

Louis didn't hear a word being said.

Louis didn't even notice the people around them going silent and watching on in shock. He didn't notice the girl quickly getting into the taxi and driving off. He didn't notice when Marcel wrapped his arms around him, unable to take his eyes off Edward.

Louis' heart broke.

"You bastard!" he screamed, shoving Marcel off him. "It's fucking over!" He yanked the beautiful engagement ring off his finger, not even caring how sore it was to do that not just because of the symbolism, but because his fingers were all swollen and it was harder to get on and off the ring each day. He chucked the ring, aiming for Edward's head, but didn't watch where it landed, just a few metres away from his feet, already turning around and storming off.

It took a few seconds for the Alpha's to realise what was happening. Harry pushed against Edward's chest when the cheating Alpha tried to take off after Louis, forcing him to a stop.

Edward watched on in black and white as Harry and Marcel frantically ran after Louis, trying to convince him to stay. Louis ignored them.

Edward knew his world had just shattered.


Louis had never been so thankful that Liam trusted this Pack enough that he didn't lock the front door at night when he was able to open the door of the couple's home and slam it shut behind him, flicking the lock with finality, in Harry and Marcel's faces.

The house was pitch dark, but a light was immediately flipped on upstairs. Louis stood quietly, numbly, in the hallway, ignoring the fists trying to batter down the door, the rushed promises and pleads coming from the Alpha's.

Louis watched silently as Liam tried to creep down the stairs to attack the intruder, but the Alpha stopped short halfway down.

"Niall?" Liam called back up the stairs.

Louis could hear Niall sigh in annoyance and get out of the bed, tramping along the landing and down the stairs to Liam. "What?" he growled, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

All Liam could do was point down at Niall's best friend.

Niall followed Liam's finger, taking a minute to find the lone figure standing in the darkness because of his bad Omega eyesight. "Louis?" he whispered.

That was when the dam broke for Louis and the Omega suddenly collapsed to his knees, sobbing into his hands.

Niall waddled as fast as he could over to his friend, falling to his knees beside him. He wrapped his arms around Louis, pulling him as close as he could with their two bumps in the way. He tried to shush and rock the boy to calmness, but nothing worked.

"No!" Louis shouted when he noticed Liam walking over to the door to let the Alpha's in. "I don't want to see them," he blubbered to Niall through his tears. "It's over, I never want to see them again, he kissed someone else, a bloody girl. I hate them. Never want to see them again. Please."

Niall shushed Louis back to gut-wrenching sobs, shaking his head at Liam. The Alpha helped Niall guide Louis upstairs to the guest bedroom. Liam went to make some tea, whilst Niall rocked Louis back and forth, whispering reassurances in his ear.

Louis rejected the tea, but was finally able to cry himself to sleep.

He wanted to die.

"What do we do?" Liam asked Niall, watching the sleeping Omega.

"Confront it in the morning," Niall whispered back, not taking his eyes off Louis. "I'll kill them with my bare hands."

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now