Chapter Twenty-One *MATURE*

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"You got your pretty panties on for me," Edward smirked after he pulled off Louis' clothes, just his panties left on. He watched Louis sprawled on the bed with a possessive look. "So pretty for me."

"Just for you," Louis whispered.

"What about my brothers, pint-size?" He quirked a brow.

Louis immediately snapped his head to where the other triplets were across the room, rubbing themselves through their trousers. "Yes, yes, for them as well."

"Good boy, Louis." He gave the Omega's thigh a kiss, spreading his legs until his knees touched the duvet. He perused the panties. "You leaking, pint-size?"

Louis nodded furiously. The Omega couldn't think about anything expect Edward's finger rubbing over his hole through the silk.

"Are you ready for me?" Edward asked, leaning back to pull the panties off.

Louis whined.

"All spread out for me," Edward admired. "Think you need prep?" He leaned forward and kissed his hole before pulling away again.

Louis spread his legs further, if that was even possible, and reached up, grabbing Edward's hair and yanking his head down to his for a kiss, slick sealing their lips, teeth clashing and tongues meshing. The Omega wrapped his legs around the Alpha's waist. He pulled away to breathe out a "Knot me" before reconnecting their lips.

Edward didn't need to be told twice. He quickly positioned himself and began to slide into his warm, wet and tight Mate. His Mate.

Louis had to pull away from his lips, throwing his head back to release a whine at the slight pain. The other triplets immediately strode over, taking one of Louis' hands each, praising him and kissing his fingers, nipping them with their teeth playfully. Edward clasped his hands on Louis' hips and buried his face in his neck, nibbling the fresh Mark.

"Just-just go for it," Louis whimpered, letting go off Harry and Marcel's hands and tangling them back in Edward's hair.

"You're so tight," Edward mumbled, having second thoughts and beginning to pull out again so he could prepare the Omega.

"Go for it," Louis persisted, clenching on the cock inside him so he couldn't pull out.

Edward nodded, giving him a kiss on the cheek before thrusting forward with no warning.

Louis' breath hiccupped and he bit his lip.

Edward pulled away before thrusting back in until the pain was mostly gone for the Omega. Louis moaned when Edward angled his hips and finally found his prostrate, his back arching and a high keen escaping his slack jaw.

Edward moaned and aimed for that spot, fast and hard. Marcel growled, crawling up onto the bed so he could suckle at the Omega's sensitive nipple. Harry placed a finger on Louis' chin and turned his head so he could kiss the Omega, his future Mate, lazily, swallowing Louis' little noises.

Louis was oblivious when Edward grumbled that he was going to knot. Harry heard his brother, though, and pulled away from Louis, the Omega chasing his lips, looking down at the scene in front of him. Louis keened every time Edward's plumping knot pulled against his rim, the Alpha grinding his hips against Louis' pelvis, one hand playing with Louis' little cock. Louis had one hand cupping Marcel's head to his chest, his other hand clenched in Edward's hair.

"Cum, kitten," Harry growled.

Louis screamed as he came on demand, clenching down on Edward inside him at the same time the knot popped. He shivered at each stream of cum flooding his insides.

Marcel growled, shoving Edward's head away from Louis' throat, growling at his brother as Edward retaliated, and bit into Louis' throat above his brother's Mark. Louis screamed, trailing into a moan, his back arching and jaw going slack as he came again.

Harry smirked when he leaned forward, moving Louis' limp head to the side, so he could do the same on the other side of Louis' throat. All Louis could produce was a weak whine, a dribble of cum and a clench around the knot inside him.

"Perfect," Harry praised, kissing any part of Louis that he could reach as came back with a face cloth to clean Louis' tummy. When he came back into the bedroom again, he found the Mates asleep, Marcel suckling on Louis' nipple again. He smiled, pulling the duvet over them as he cuddled his loves, joining them in sleep.


Louis was the last one to wake up the next morning. He was being held in Edward's arms, who must have pulled out during the night, with Marcel rubbing his back. He looked up drowsily as the bedroom door opened and Harry walked in with a tray of food for them all. Marcel threw back the duvet for Harry to get back under, taking the tray from his brother. Louis realised that Harry and Marcel must have stripped during the night, neither brother minding about their nudity when everything was unveiled with the duvet thrown back. The tray was set on covers whilst the triplets gave Louis a good morning kiss in turn.

When they were about to pass out the food amongst them, Louis halted the proceedings with a few simple words. "I have to Mark you all now."

He definitely caught them all of guard, however, before any of the triplets had a response, he had grabbed Edward's head and already sank his teeth into the flesh, licking the Mark as he pulled away.

Next, it was Marcel's turn, who looked a bit timid.

"You weren't timid last night," Louis teased before also biting into his neck. He gave the Mark a kiss as he pulled away with a smile. "Love you, Marcy."

"Love you, too, princess," Marcel whispered, rubbing their noses together.

Harry was already leaning forward, his head bent to the side for Louis, when the Omega turned to him. As Louis pulled away from his Mark, Harry swooped in for a quick kiss, Louis mumbling against his lips an "I love you", sealing the promise with another kiss, before he pulled away.

"Now none of you can escape me," Louis smirked, leaning forward and grabbing a slice of toast.


Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now