Chapter Eighty-One

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One year later...

"Quinn, sit your arse back down in that seat. Aiden, slow down, no one is taking your food away from you," Niall sighed, rolling his eyes. He patted Drew's back, who was only a few weeks old and was currently under Niall's shirt, drinking his fill.

Louis watched on, giggling quietly underneath his breath.

The Omega looked around the table, at the annual Styles family dinner, but now it was also his twin's first birthday. He couldn't believe how much they've grown now, watching little Luna and Grayson playing with the food on their plates, Harry pulling funny faces at them and giggling along with them. He happily sighed and looked down at Marcel and Edward, who was kneeling beside their triplets, sleeping peacefully in a mason basket.

Of course Niall and Liam had to be here, they were family and always would be.

They were so happy when Louis was decalred pregnant again with the triplets. It was a rough pregnancy, no doubt, everyone absolutely terrified about the well-being an health of the three little ones, especially as they were born two months earlier than expected, but with no added stress this time, all the triplets were born as healthy as expected. Louis even secretly believed that he had two Alpha's and a little Omega on his hands. With five kids he had look after now, an extra three if you counted the goofy Alpha's he had to feed and practically clothe every morning, life was getting hectic. And Louis was adamant this time that he was going to wait a while until he had more little feet running around, even though he did love all his little babies. Well, he was going to wait until Luna and Grayson were at least walking.

Louis absentmindedly lifted a hand and ran his fingers through Grayson's hair, who had become a carbon copy of his father's, with his blue eyes changing into green eyes and his hair growing into unruly, brown locks.

His life had changed so much in the past two years and, no matter how much hardship he and the triplets had went through, he had been given everything he had ever wished thought, which he never thought he would ever get.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now