Chapter Sixty-One

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So, 1) I hope everyone can now see chapter 57!

2) Now you see why Edward was like the main man in this story! I couldn't do what Edward did to Harry or Marcel!

3) I apologise profusely for what is going to happen!


(Niall – 23. Louis – 15.)

Louis watched, from the armchair on the other side of the room, as Niall and Liam cuddled on the sofa. The Omega tried to watch the television, but he couldn't take his eyes off the lovey-dovey pairing, Niall leaning against Liam's shoulder and Liam subconsciously thumbing over his Mate's baby belly.

Louis sighed and tried to refocus on the programme playing, running a hand over his own belly, his little triplets. He hummed under his breath to his little ones.

Niall and Liam's heads snapped up to Louis when they heard a gasp and sob. Liam had to help Niall to his feet to waddle over to Louis. Niall plopped down on the sofa beside his best friend and wrapped his arms around Louis' shoulders, pulling him close.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked frantically. "What's happened?"

Louis blubbered into Niall's neck, "They moved."

Niall looked up at Liam, trying to find some guidance. "That's okay, that's good," Niall tried to comfort Louis.

"This isn't supposed to be happening," Louis sobbed. "It's the first kick and I was supposed to have the triplets with me."

"It's going to be okay, Lou," Niall tried again. "Why don't we get you to bed, hm?"

Liam helped Niall to stand again, then guided the teary Louis upstairs to the guest room. Niall tucked the duvet around Louis, kissing him on the forehead and making him promise that if he wanted anything to just shout.


"What are we going to do?" Niall whispered, getting under the duvet and holding the other side up for Liam.

"I don't know, darling," Liam said softly, not knowing what to say.

"I hate the triplets, but Louis needs them."

"And the triplets need Louis. But it was Edward who ruined it."

"The triplets are a package deal – no way will Louis get back with Harry and Marcel, but not Edward."

"I guess all we can do is be there for Louis and keep the triplets informed. We shouldn't get involved, okay love?"

"Okay," Niall whispered, snuggling close to his Mate.

Neither of them could sleep that night, too worried about the Omega down the hall.


The following day at work, Liam told Edward about the tickles Louis was feeling. Without a word, Edward turned and walked home. No one would ever know that he laid in bed and cried until his brothers got home, regretting ever being born.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now