Chapter Three

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So, woke up this morning and I had a cold sore! It's Sunday and my formal's on Wednesday. I might just cry!

Anyway, on a better note, 554 reads already (I think that's the number - I can't remember numbers well)! Thank you all very much! It really means a lot to me and has cheered up my day!


Louis screamed as Curly grabbed his arms and stood him up. Louis reluctantly let go of Niall's hair, not wanting to pull it out.

"No! Let me go!" he screamed, kicking and thrashing as he was thrown over the Alpha's shoulder.

"Stop it, pint-size," Curly growled.

Louis yanked at Curly's shoulder-length brown curls in response and scratched at his back through the thin tee-shirt, feeling slightly happy when he saw some little, red droplets welling up and staining the shirt, kicking at his thighs, as he tried to crawl over his shoulder to get back to Niall, the hurt Omega who was getting further and further away as Curly carried Louis out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

"There's another one in the bedroom," Curly said gruffly to another Alpha that he passed on the stairs.

Louis screeched and screamed, trying to grab the other Alpha's...anything to keep him away from Niall, but it was useless: they were already further away from each other, too far for Louis' short arms and tiny fingers to even skim the other Alpha's jacket.

When Curly stepped out of the house, he deposited Louis on his feet, holding him by the shoulders. "Don't even try to escape, pint-size," he growled.

Louis didn't make any promises. He ducked under Curly's buff arm, but when he had a foot inside the house he was yanked back by his shirt into the Alpha's body.

"No!" Louis screamed.

At that point, Louis heard a scream from inside the house.

"Niall!" Louis screamed, struggling against the arms barred around his waist, digging his bitten, uneven nails into the well-defined muscle.

Niall suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, fighting off the muscular Alpha behind him with short hair. "Run, Louis!" he screamed, before he was grabbed by the Alpha again.

That's exactly what Louis did.

He ducked under Curly's arm and, instead of running back into the house like the Alpha expected, ran into the tree line, ignoring his shouted swears.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now