Chapter Sixty-Nine

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This is the furthest chapter I have prepared, so I don't know when the next update will be or when I'll next have time to write more chapters, but I wanted to get these horrible ones out of the way as fast as possible.


(Niall – 28. Louis - 21)

Marcel sat on his bed waiting for Louis to come out of the bathroom, waiting for Louis to finish the first bath he'd had since coming home. He finally had a day off and he was determined to spend it with Louis. He had been waiting for Louis for a good half an hour now and hadn't heard any noise. Cautiously standing he padded softly to the ensuite door in his bare feet, tapping it.

"Are you okay, Louis?" he asked through the door.

All he heard in response was a hushed groan.

"I'm coming in," Marcel stated immediately, pushing the door open and peeking his head around it.

Louis didn't look up from his big belly to the Alpha, sitting in the water.

"Are you okay?" Marcel asked again.

"Too tired to wash my hair," Louis whispered back.

Marcel closed the bathroom door behind him as he stepped in. "I'll wash it for you." When he didn't get any form of rejection, he tentatively walked into the bathroom and over to the front of the bath. Kneeling down he was at the perfect height.

As Marcel started massaging the shampoo into Louis' damp hair, the Omega slowly melted from stiffness, leaning back against the bathtub, the hesitation draining out of him. Neither of them said anything as Louis' hair was washed, but it was the perfect moment.

When Marcel stood and towel dried Louis' hair quickly, he was about to walk back out of the bathroom again, but he was stopped when a small hand wrapped loosely around his thigh. He looked down at Louis, who was finally looking up at him.

"Stay," Louis whispered.

Marcel watched Louis for a moment, making sure that this was what Louis really wanted, before he took a step back and started to strip. Louis moved forward in the bathtub, so Marcel could sit down behind him. The Alpha pulled Louis back into his chest, setting his hands on his belly.

Louis sighed and leaned his head back on Marcel's shoulder. "Thank you," he whispered.

Marcel kissed his temple in sweet reply. "My princess."


It was ironically at a very silent dinner a couple of nights later when Louis cleared his throat and set down his stainless steel cutlery. The three Alpha's looked up curiously and tentatively, wanting to listen carefully to everything Louis had to say. He hadn't been talking a lot since he came home and they were desperate to hear more of his lovely voice.

"I love you all and I missed you all so much," Louis started.

The triplets opened their mouths to say something, but Louis just shook his heads to prevent them from talking.

"I would like my engagement ring back," he whispered.

The three Alpha's were shocked speechless, expecting that Louis was going to leave them again.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked. When he got a nod in reply, he quickly walked out of the room to retrieve the ring. When he got back to the kitchen, he carefully took the precious ring out of the box and handed it over to Louis, who slid it back onto his finger.

Harry smiled and bent down to peck Louis' cheek, whilst Marcel leaned over from his seated position to kiss the Omega's temple. Marcel and Harry silently agreed, with just a look of the eyes, to leave the room, giving Edward and Louis some time alone.

"I love you," Edward said, standing up at the same time as Louis.

"I love you, too," Louis replied quietly.

"Louis – "

Louis shook his head and stepped around Edward.

Edward sighed and hung his head when Louis was out of the room.

But, no, their relationship was not going to ever be right again if they didn't talk about what happened, so with that in mind Edward quickly turned on his heel and followed Louis out of the room.

"Louis, can I speak to you?" he asked at the living room door.

Louis looked cautious, but he nodded and followed Edward up to their bedroom. Louis perched himself on the edge of the bed and Edward dragged over a chair after closing the door behind them.

It was a tense silence until Edward finally said, "I'm sorry."

Louis hung his head and covered his face with his hands.

"I am so sorry, Louis. I love you so much. What happened was a mistake. I was so angry and I wanted to hurt you. I don't know what came over me," Edward quickly spoke.

"A girl. You kissed a girl."

"She pounced on me and I took it. But, Louis, you have to believe me that I'm so sorry and I love you so much."

"I don't forgive you."

"I know, love, but I hope that one day you will." Edward fell to his knees in front of Louis, burying his face in the Omega's lap and kissing his belly. "I love you so much, Louis."

"I love you, too," Louis promised. He thread his fingers through Edward's unruly hair and leaned down to bury his face in that nest.

They both finally let the tears flow.

"We'll work on it," Louis pleaded. "We'll have better communication. We'll stop arguing so much. We're a family and a family sticks together. We're going to have three...two babies."

"Oh, no, love. Don't cry." Edward pulled back, instead wrapping his arms tight around Louis and pulling him close. "Something awful has happened, but it's not your fault. I promise you."

"I miss her," Louis sobbed.

Edward shushed him, rubbing his back to try and comfort him. "It's going to take a lot of time and nothing will ever go back to normal, but we'll get through this."

Louis pulled away from Edward and nodded, wiping his eyes dry.

"My pint-size," Edward whispered with a smile, giving Louis a gentle kiss.

"My Eddie," Louis giggled, reciprocating the affection.

"And my babies." Edward smattered Louis' belly with kisses.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now