Chapter Thirty-Two

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If I don't update sometimes, don't worry about me! My exams start on the 16th May and I currently am just focusing on exams and revision and all that crap! And I don't have an offer for the course I want yet for uni, so that is adding to my stress! The only time I really get to myself is 10-11pm! God, am I tired! And one of my English Lit classes hasn't even looked at the second play yet, for frig sake!

Anyway, there was been a drastic plummet on the reads on the book. I'm enjoying writing it and letting you all read this, know. I don't know, I complain too much!

Is there anything you want me to change, improve, add?

Anyway, enjoy!


(Niall - six weeks pregnant)

After Marcel and Louis got themselves cleaned up and dressed the next morning, the Alpha carried his Omega down the stairs, partly because Louis' backside was still sore and he didn't want to be seen limping, and partly because Marcel was too possessive and wanted to be holding his Omega.

When they got down to the kitchen, they found the other two triplets, making a large breakfast. Hearing the noise of their Mate and brother entering the kitchen, they looked over their shoulders, before giving them a knowing smirk and turning back to the food.

Marcel moved over to one of the kitchen chairs and sat down, sitting criss-cross in the chair and helping Louis into the raised seat on his lap, cradling his little, sleepy Mate to his chest and giving him soft kisses on any skin he could reach, his hands resting on his soft belly and protruding hips under the button-down of Marcel's that he was wearing. Louis raised his head to give his other Alpha's a soft, loving kiss when they handed them each a plate heaped with food, his hands cupping their stubble. When they were all sitting down for breakfast, Harry and Edward pulling over chairs so they could sit on either side of the Marcel and Louis combo, Louis split the food on his plate that he knew he wouldn't be able to eat equally into three for his Mates.

"How are you, pint-size?" Edward whispered, giving Louis a kiss to the temple.

Louis smiled and returned the kiss. "I'm a little sore," he whispered, taking another bite of his food.

"We know what Marcel's like during sex," Harry smirked into his food. "Where does the sweet little boy disappear, Marcel?"

Marcel blushed and buried his face in Louis' neck, muttering a "Shut up," whilst Louis stifled a giggle and playfully flicked his Alpha's ear in punishment.

It wasn't long before Louis pushed away his plate and snuggled underneath his Alpha's chin.

"Are you not going to eat anymore?" Harry asked, concerned, running his thumb over Louis' thigh.

"I have a small tummy and I'm tired," Louis groaned back in reply, closing his eyes.

"Marcel was not happy about your little tummy last night," Edward said, and Louis could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Laugh all you want now, but I can't wait to see what you'll be like in your Rut," Louis slurred, unconsciousness taking over.

"Thank you, princess," Marcel whispered with a smile, loving that his Omega was defending him, but his praise fell on deaf ears.

"How was he?" Edward whispered, looking up at his younger brother.

Marcel guffawed. "I think that's a little bit rude." He tightened his arms around Louis, the Omega unconsciously snuggling closer.

"I meant," Edward rolled his eyes, "was he okay? Was he calm? Was it too much for him?"

"Even though I was pushing the limits, he dealt with everything well."

"Oh, we heard you pushing the limits. Apparently you're not big enough?" Harry chuckled.

Marcel stuck out his tongue at him and pushed him off the chair, shushing Louis when he started to stir at the very unmanly squeak Harry emitted.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now