Chapter Ninteen

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I'm away on a History trip on Thursday and Friday, then as soon as I'm back on Friday my friend is having her 18th, so I'm gonna have no time to update until the weekend, and even then it's a slim chance I'll update because school comes first!


As soon as the government Alphas walked away, with a scowl on their faces no less, Edward immediately walked off, his hands fisted at his sides.

"Edward!" Louis called after him, prepared to run after the Alpha, but the remaining triplets held him back.

Harry engulfed him in his arms, squashing him against his bare chest, as Marcel frantically ran his hands over Louis' sides, checking for any injuries.

"Don't check me, Marcel, check Niall!" Louis urged, shoving the two Alphas off. He turned to where Niall was last seen, in a pool of blood, and saw Liam helping his Mate up.

Louis shoved the forming crowd around the couple out of the way. "Are you okay?" he asked when he finally reached Niall and Liam in the middle, tear tracks on his cheeks. He lifted a hand to touch the cut on Niall's head but thought better of it, letting his hand fall to his side again.

"I'm fine, Lou, but I would appreciate it if Marcel maybe stitched me up?" Niall asked softly, trying for a little smile but he swayed on his feet instead, Liam catching him.

"Yeah, yes," Louis mumbled in a daze, looking around for Marcel. When he found the Alpha, he waved him over, catching Niall's shirt in the process when he started to fall forward.

Marcel and Liam talked amongst themselves whilst Louis tried to keep Niall awake. They decided to take Niall back home, so Liam scooped up the Omega and the trio walked to the house.

Louis stared after them, jumping when Harry placed his hands on his waist.

"You gonna come home, kitten?"

Louis turned to face him, but still looked around himself, standing on his tip-toes to try and see over the crowd, but all he saw was heads and hair. "Have to-Have to find Edward," he mumbled.

"Why don't we go home, kitten, and get you a cup of tea?" Harry whispered softly, cupping Louis' cheek with a hand.

"Marcel and..." he faded off for a moment, his eyes focusing on something in the distance as he fell to the flat of his feet again, "and Edward."

"Okay, Louis, kitten, they'll be coming home soon, okay? Let's get you home," he cooed patiently.

When Louis' eyes focused on Harry, it seemed like he hadn't even known that the Alpha was there. "Yeah, let's get home. Tea and pyjamas."

"Yes, kitten, tea and pyjamas."

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now