Chapter Twenty-Four

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Okay, just to make it clear that I thought of this story way before the first chapter was up and have everything planned, I'm just slow in writing this book and publishing the chapters! I am not taking any ideas from other writers - I would say if I did! Please remember this encase you start thinking I'm copying someone!



The triplet's ears perked from their unconscious hearing of broken objections.


Their eyes opened wide at the blood-curdling scream. They were immediately scrambling over their sleeping, whimpering, crying Omega, trying to wrench the duvet away from him, but he held on tightly with his white knuckles and his legs were too tangled in the sheets to give him some space, even though he was still sleeping on his stomach.

"Wake up," they all mumbled to him, thinking of anything they could do that could calm their Omega down, stroking his hair soothingly, cooing to him and wiping the cold sweat off his face.

But nothing was helping.

Edward felt helpless looking at Marcel, who had tears welling in his eyes, threatening to fall, and his other pale brother. He finally screamed, "Wake up!" at Louis desperately, shaking his shoulders wildly, even though his brothers tried to make him stop with the brutal movements.

Louis startled and his eyes flashed open.

The triplets sighed, relieved that Louis was finally awake, but their relief was short-lived.

Louis slowly sat up, the duvet sliding down his bare back as he kneeled. However, he had his hands out in front of him, studying them emotionlessly. "So much blood," he whispered.

The Alpha's looked at him then at each other, a confused look in their eyes.

Something seemed to click in Louis' brain and he suddenly screamed, making his Mates jump, "So much blood!"

The triplets tried to comfort him by caressing his arms and the back of his neck, but Louis acted like they didn't even exist, mumbling nonsensically to himself. His head snapped up and he scrambled off the bed, his eyes wide and terrified.

"Alphas, Alphas," he repeated under his breath.

He ran out of the room, not even noticing that he was naked. Before the stunned Alpha's could reach him, he had already locked himself in the bathroom.

The brothers banged on the bathroom door with their fists, screaming for the Omega that they could hear sobbing behind the wood, shouting for Louis to open the door but they were ignored.

"Get Niall," Harry grumbled, furiously turning the door knob uselessly. When his brothers didn't respond, he growled and shoved himself away from the door to call the Omega himself.

His worry escalated when, after he explained to Niall what was happening, he only got a gasp in response and the line went to static.

It wasn't too long before Niall and Liam arrived at the house. The triplets had pulled on sweatpants and were still trying to get into the bathroom, this time using a bobby pin that Harry had found in the kitchen, which he guessed was forgotten by his sister or mother. Niall and Liam could hear the scuffling from upstairs and immediately ran up to see what was happening. Niall didn't even bother asking the triplets about what was happening, just grabbed the blanket that was bundled tightly in Marcel's white-knuckled hands and walked over to the bathroom door. He was about to open his mouth, but he looked over his shoulder to look at the Alpha's. He shooed them back with a wave of his hand.

"Louis," he whispered when he turned back to the door.

All noises in the bathroom disappeared.

"Louis, Lou, you have to come with me right now," Niall persisted.

They heard a stray hiccup in the bathroom before the door opened with a soft click. The door creaked open with a pale, tear-streaked face peeking out. When his eyes focused on Niall, again the Alpha's invisible to him, he stepped out of the room, Niall immediately wrapping the blanket around him.

"The Alpha's have come. Mummy and daddy and Lottie – "

"Louis," Niall cooed, catching his face in his hands and making him concentrate on him, "this is a dream."

"The Alphas," Louis sobbed in a hush, looking over Niall's shoulders at his surroundings, his eyes skimming over his Mates and Liam.

"Louis, love, you're dreaming. You have to wake up." Niall couldn't hold back his tears anymore as he clicked his fingers in front of Louis' face, trying to get him back to the present.

Louis finally blinked for the first time since he woke up. "Ni-all," he brokenly whispered, collapsing at his friend's feet.

Niall was immediately kneeling down beside his friend, cuddling him close. He shushed his fellow Omega and whispered low in his ear, "You have to tell them."

"No, Niall," Louis sobbed, shaking his head and burying his face in Niall's throat. He sniffed the skin before pulling away. "You don't smell right," Louis whimpered, pushing away from his friend.

"Louis – "

Louis shook his head and made to crawl back into the bathroom, but rough hands clamped onto his hips and a body covered his back.

"Pint-size, you have to tell us what happened," Edward growled.

Louis sobbed and shook his head. "Do that thing with the back of my neck. Make me forget," he whispered.

"Louis, no, you have to tell us."

"Niall," Louis whispered, looking over Edward's shoulder at the other Omega who was now tucked under Liam's arm, "Niall will tell you."

"No, Louis," Niall pushed, "you have to tell them."

Louis looked at his other two Mates, but they didn't look like they were going to let him out of this.

Louis finally nodded with a defeated sigh. He pushed Edward back onto his backside so he could sit in his lap. Edward wrapped the blanket tightly around him, whilst Louis wiped the tear off his cheeks with the heels of his hands and took a deep breath, trying to calm his breathing. Edward wrapped his arms around his Mate and pulled Louis back into his chest, so he could cuddle him. He knew that his Omega needed a little bit of comfort at the moment.

Finally, Louis took a deep breath and opened his lips.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now