Chapter Fifty-Three

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(Niall – 19 weeks pregnant

Louis - 11 weeks pregnant)

"We're going to have to leave him with Niall," Harry told Edward, leaning back against the kitchen counter.

"Why can't you just stay home?" Edward asked, arms crossed over his chest and rocking the chair he was sitting in onto its back legs.

"Edward, you know that I haven't been to the office since the shop incident and I really need to get back. Why can't you stay home?"

Edward sighed. "What about Marcel?"

"Did you really just ask that? Louis is fragile at the moment and needs to stay with someone he trusts. Anyway, Liam's with you today so it'll just be Niall and Louis. Stop arguing!"

"Okay," Edward sighed, "it's just that I only trust us with him."

"I know, Edward, it's okay," Harry tried to console him. "I'm going up to see if he's stopped throwing up yet and then I'll take him to Niall's." As Harry walked past Edward to walk out of the kitchen, he lovingly ran his hand through his brother's curls.


"I hate you," Louis whined again, leaning over the side of the sofa and throwing up in the basin Niall gave him.

"I don't think you can get bad morning sickness because I had it," Niall explained half-heartedly, rubbing Louis' back and dabbing the Omega's forehead with a damp facecloth.

"Shut up," Louis scowled, finally setting down the basin and yanking the blanket over him again. "I feel awful."

"But, you're going to have three babies because of this."

"And no more," Louis pouted, curling up.

After a pause Niall finally said, "I heard about what happened last week."

Louis sighed and pulled the blanket over his head. "It's so embarrassing. Sorry about the groceries, by the way."

"Louis, it's okay, you freaked but that would be normal for anyone in your position. And Marcel gave us more than enough."

"The man just lost his child and I started screaming. That's not normal."

"Lou – "

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, I'll go and get you a drink or something," Niall whispered, standing up and going to the kitchen.

When Niall got back Louis was still buried underneath the blanket. Niall thought his best friend was asleep by the zero movement coming from underneath the blanket. The Omega sighed, set the glass down and sat at Louis' feet.

"We're all here for you, Louis. Everyone knows that you've went through a lot of shit and we all understand when you get a bit scared," Niall whispered to himself, rubbing Louis' calf gently.

The blanket suddenly moved and clambered onto his knee. Niall, after a few seconds of unmoving shock, wrapped his arms around the blanket, cradling Louis to his chest.

"We all love you," Niall whispered.

"Love you, too," Louis muffled from underneath the blanket, burying his face in Niall's neck and holding him tight, breathing in the comforting and familiar scent.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now