Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Sorry for the late update! Again, work has been chaotic and I moved into my Uni halls last Sunday, so haven't got any peace since!


(Louis - 30)


Louis turned down the volume of the television. "Hello?" he called back.

"Louis, is it just you at home, sweetheart?" Anne asked, following Louis' voice to the living-room.

"The triplets are all working today, but Harry said he'll be home for dinner."

Gemma grabbed Louis' hand and helped him up from the sofa, dragging him into the kitchen.

"What's all this?" Louis shouted when he saw all the bags littering the kitchen table.

"We were out shopping and couldn't resist," Anne explained. "We also brought some food, which you only have to heat up."

Louis grabbed one of the bags and looked inside, full of miscellaneuous baby things. "I can't believe you did this," he sobbed.

"Don't cry, honey," Gemma tried to comfort, uncomfortable with all the crying. She patted Louis' arm, then just finally relented and pulled him into her arms.

"Thank you so much," Louis blubbered. "You're so nice."

Gemma tried not to flinch when he felt Louis wipe his nose on her shoulder.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Anne tried.

"It's just such an emotional day," Louis cried, sniffing. Gemma made sure to pull away from him before he actually blew his nose with her shirt.

Anne held Louis tight until he stopped crying, then both women sat on the floor with Louis as the Omega opened his presents. They couldn't help but fawn over how cute he was, feeling every piece of clothing with his thumb and forefinger and folding it neatly again, setting them down gently in little piles.

After they made sure Louis had eaten his full and was settled on the sofa, where there was a little nest of Alpha clothes already made for Louis by his Mates for him to lie in when they were away, with a nice cup of tea.

The women smiled at Harry, the Alpha shocked when his front door was opened from the inside when he was just about to open it himself. Anne gave her son a kiss on the cheek, Gemma just giving her brother a sympathetic smile and pat on the shoulder, before she shoved Harry into the foyer.

"Harry's home!" she called, closing the door firmly behind her and her mother.

"Harry!" Louis squealed from the living-room.

Harry had no clue of what to do when he stepped into the room to see bags and clothes taking up every square inch. He could only sigh and lean down to kiss Louis on the forehead, who immediately agreed to more dinner.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now