Chapter Thirty-Six

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My life this week has been likely a badly written fanfiction...

Niall - 10 weeks pregnant


Louis was getting worried watching Niall sitting quietly across from him in the coffee shop. He had never seen Niall this quiet or so nervous, even when he told him that he was Mated.

"Ni," Louis asked, "what's wrong? What's happened?"

"Nothing," Niall quickly replied.

Louis took another sip of his tea. "I lived with you for years. Do you think I'm blind?"

Niall sighed and the other Omega lifted his left hand to wrap around his mug of tea.

Louis looked down at the hand, back up to Niall's face with a questioning look, then did a double-take. "There's a diamond on your finger," he whispered, eyes wide.

"I said 'yes'," Niall smiled.

Louis had to put a hand over his mouth to stop his excited squeal, stomping his foot instead.

"And I know exactly what I would like from you for my wedding present," Niall giggled.

"What?" Louis gave the Omega a wary look – it wasn't in Niall's nature to outright ask for something.

"Zayn recommended for me to go to a few yoga classes for pregnant people, which is actually on," he looked down at the invisible watch on his wrist, then back up at Louis with a smirk, "in half an hour."

"You're kidding me."


Louis didn't know if the pregnant people doing yoga were dressed comfortably or just didn't give a shit about what they looked like. He had currently seen fifteen neon pink leg-warmers, scrunchies in every ponytail and even a couple of bloody tutus.

He was fed up as soon as he walked into the room. But, he looked away from the heavily pregnant woman in front of him – which he was very worried would pop soon and was starting to panic with how he'd deal with a sudden labour – obstructing his view of the instructor towards Niall beside him, the person he wanted to make happy.

Anything to keep Niall happy.

Niall didn't look any better than he was at the moment, bending down at the knees with his arms stretched out straight in front of him. Niall noticed his friend looking at him in his peripheral vision and turned to look at Louis, who was unsuccessfully trying to do the same position as Niall, wobbling all over the place.

It only took Niall the time to blow his brunette fringe out of his eyes, which had flopped over his forehead with sweat, to smirk at Louis and stand up, coming to a conclusion. Louis didn't even know what was happening, trying to catch up with the current instructions of "And flex. And flex."

Suddenly, Louis' hand was grabbed and he was yanked to standing, being dragged through the maze of pregnant people.

"What are you two doing?" the instructor screamed from the front, starting to follow them.

Niall turned around for long enough to give her the finger. "I'm pregnant, do you think I want to work out?"

When Niall and Louis crashed into the Payne's living-room, tears were streaming down their faces from how hard they were crying in laughter.

So, congratulations, Niall!

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Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now