Chapter Seventy-Two

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Hi! No this story has not been abandoned! I am so sorry for the really slow update, but I have been working since last Wednesday. I hope this chapter is up to scratch!

Does anyone have any recommendations on Wattpad or AO3? I'll give you a follow in return! I prefer smutty Larry ABO!!


(Niall – 31. Louis - 24)

"Liam," Niall whispered.

Liam didn't respond.

"Liam," Niall hissed again, poking his Mate.

Liam groaned and rolled over onto his stomach, turning his head towards Niall, eyes still closed.

"I want ice-cream," Niall whispered.

Liam groaned and turned his head away.

"Fine, I'll just walk down the stairs myself, at thirty-one weeks pregnant." He sighed dramatically and shuffled around in the bed.

Liam groaned and pulled himself up, not even bothering to look at the clock or berate Niall for the extremely early wake-up call.

Niall patiently waited for Liam to come back to him, his pillow behind his back and the duvet pulled up to his belly, hands innocently folded on top of his belly. Liam sighed when he finally got up stairs again, handing Niall over a pint of ice-cream and a spoon through bleary eyes. He fell onto the bed and pulled the warm duvet back over his boxer-clad body, very ready to turn onto his side again and fall asleep.

"Seeing as you're awake, we should talk about baby names," Niall said around a spoonful of ice-cream.

"Darling, we still have time to think about all of that," Liam tried not to groan.

"I'm at thirty-one weeks, Liam, it's time to start thinking about all of this," Niall persisted.

"Well then we can wait a couple more hours until fucking daylight at least."

"Liam," Niall warned, poking him hard in the back with his spoon.

Liam groaned and sat up, pulling the duvet up to his neck. "For the boy what about 'Stanley' and for the girl 'Hyacinth'."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Take this seriously, Liam."

"I'm tired," Liam whined.

Niall raised an eyebrow in response, daring him. "You think you're tired? Liam, you're great but you have no fucking clue. I'm still going through morning sickness, your kids keep me awake by constantly kicking and sitting on bloody bladder – do you know how many times a day I have to pee? – and I'm constantly eating the weirdest combinations of foods you could think of."

"I'm sorry, love," Liam whispered, pulling Niall into his arms, who was crying around another spoon of ice-cream. "I like 'Lucas' and 'Quinn'."

Niall sniffled and nodded, "I like them, but we need something more Irish as well."

Liam chuckled. "I knew you would say that."

"What about 'Aiden' and 'Finley'?"

"'Aiden Lucas' and 'Quinn Finely'. I really like it."

"Don't forget 'Payne' at the end," Niall reminded.

"All mine," Liam whispered into Niall's ear. He quickly moved forward to steal the ice-cream off Niall's spoon as the Omega raised it to his mouth. As soon as Liam saw the look Niall was giving him, he jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind him in fear. He didn't come out until he heard Niall's little snores coming from the bed.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now