Chapter Seventy-Four

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(Niall – 33. Louis - 26)

"What else do you think we need?" Louis asked Harry, looking down at the wicker basket filled with food he had clung tightly in his hands. He had saw the wicker basket as soon as they stepped into the market for their weekly shop and Harry couldn't resist buying it for him.

"I think that's everything, kitten."

"Are you sure? I don't want to run out of food."

"Don't worry," Harry tried to reassure him, "if we do we can just come back for more." Harry quickly handed over the basket to the cashier before Louis could start having doubts.

"You're right," Louis nodded firmly, after all his Alpha was supposed to protect him and look after him, he wouldn't lie to him about something as important as food.

Harry handed over the requested money and took the bags with a thanks, handing Louis the wicker basket again.

They dandered along the shops lining the little square, occasionally stopping and looking in the windows, admiring whatever was on offer.

Louis pulled Harry to a stop outside a little, pink clothes store. Before Harry realised what was happening, Louis had dragged him into the shop by the wrist, the little bell above the door tinkling with their arrival.

Harry looked around with a dropped jaw at the hundreds of articles of baby clothes. Harry recovered from his initial shock and quickly hurried off to try and find Louis wherever he had disappeared to in the hordes of clothes.

He didn't expect to find his kitten holding a onesie out in front of him, crying his eyes out.

"What's wrong?" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis, holding him close.

"They're going to be so small," Louis sobbed, holding the onesie tight to his chest.

"Little just like my kitten," Harry chuckled.

Louis sniffled and nodded, not even caring to through a snarky comment back. Louis grabbed three sets of the onesies and then paused, holding them tight in his hands. "I don't have three babies anymore," he whispered.

"It's okay, Lou," Harry whispered, littering the Omega's face with kisses. "We have to stay strong for our two little ones, hm?"

Harry knew it was bad when Louis wasn't even crying.

"Buy anything you like, okay? Love you and my babies."

"Love you, too," Louis whispered. The Omega took Harry very literally and put anything he fancied into the wicker basket, eventually Harry had to carry a bundle of things because the basket was too full. They left that day with quite a few bags and shy smiles on their faces as they walked hand-in-hand home, acting like a nervous new couple.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now