Chapter Sixty-Two

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(Niall – 23. Louis - 16)

"Hey, Louis," Liam yawned as he made his coffee the next morning.

"Hi, Liam, where's Niall?" Louis asked, continuing to stir his tea out of boredom.

"He was up all night with really bad morning sickness," Liam yawned again, adding sugar to his coffee.

Louis heaved himself up from the table with a sigh. "I'll go and keep him company," he whispered, making another cup of tea, knowing just the way Niall likes it, before heading upstairs to the other Omega.

Louis creaked Niall's bedroom door open a crack and tiptoed inside. He gently placed the cup of tea on the bedside table and scooched underneath the duvet and up to Niall. Niall groaned and turned over, wrapping his arms around Louis.

"I feel like shit," Niall bluntly volunteered.

"It's okay," Louis promised, returning the hug.

"No, it's not."

"Would you like some tea?" Louis tried.

Niall groaned again.

"Why don't you get some sleep? I'll be here when you wake up," Louis suggested.

Niall groaned again and snuggled into Louis' jumper, which he actually borrowed from Niall. "I'll just apologise now for accidentally throwing up on you."

"Please don't throw up on me," Louis moaned, running his fingers through Niall's brunette hair to gently lull him to sleep.


The trio sat quietly at the dinner table later that evening, cutlery scraping against plates.

"So, Louis," Liam paused to clear his throat, "Edward was asking about you today."

Louis lifted his head, but quickly lowered it again when he caught himself on. The Omega shrugged his shoulders.

"Louis – " Liam tried again, but he must have got kicked underneath the table by Niall and promptly shut up.


It wasn't until it was dark outside and Niall had went up to bed again that Louis and Liam were alone, sitting on different sofas.

"So," Louis whispered, "Edward was asking about me?"

Liam looked over at Louis curiously and warily, but the Omega didn't take his eyes off the television. "Yes..."

"How is he?"

"Pretty cut up," Liam replied.

"It was his fault," Louis said under his breath.

"No one blames you, Louis, for what you've done. Niall and I will always be here for you," Liam promised.

"What about Harry and Marcel?" He subconsciously ran a finger on his right hand around the empty space on the fourth finger of his left hand.

Liam remained silent, knowing that he didn't have to voice what Louis already knew. The Alpha got up, walked over to Louis and kissed his forehead, before leaving the living room. Louis grabbed the blanket draped across the back of the sofa and spread it over his curled up body. He didn't get any sleep that night, rubbing his stomach and thinking about his babies daddies and how they were feeling at the moment.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now