Chapter Thirty-One *MATURE*

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(Niall – 6 weeks pregnant)

"Niall, I think you should buy this," Louis giggled, chucking him the flat cap when he caught his attention.

Niall laughed and stroked the lip. "It ain't bad. Do you think my lovey dovey lima bean would like it?"

"'Lovey dovey llima bean'?"

"Hey, I don't pick on the nicknames you have for your Mates," Niall giggled, trying the hat on and posing in front of the mirror.

"I have normal...ish nicknames for them. What's Liam's nickname for you?"

"Lou, unless you join us in the bedroom you will never know," Niall whispered conspiratorially into Louis' ear, with a wink, before licking the shell.

Louis laughed whilst he exclaimed an "ew" and shoved his friend away. "You cheeky thing!"

"Go on, say it, you know you want to call me a 'little shit'," Niall teased.

"Don't worry, Ni, I'll be saying it behind your back," Louis smirked.

"Now you're just taking influence from the triplets. When did you get so confident and sassy?" Niall smiled, preening: he was proud of his best friend.

Louis laughed and moved on to another aisle, Niall following him whilst pulling his ringing phone out of his pocket. He mumbled something into the phone, then quickly slipped it back into his pocket. He suddenly grabbed Louis' wrist and was pulling him out of the store.

"But, you should get the cap!" Louis squealed, jogging to keep up with Niall.

"We have to get home right now!" Niall shouted, picking up into a run.


When they stumbled into Liam's house, both Omega's panting, they walked into the living-room where they could hear low mumbling, to find Liam, Harry and Edward.

Louis stopped in front of the trio, a confused frown on his face, dropping Niall's hand. "Where's Marcel?"

Harry stepped forward at the same time Liam walked out of the room with Niall, wanting to give the Mates some privacy. "He went into Rut," Harry explained.

"We'll be staying here for a while," Edward piped in.

"But, what about Marcel?" Louis said softly.

"He's gone through a Rut by himself before, Louis," Edward said, stepping forward and tangling the Omega's five fingers with his. But, he hardened his expression when Louis suddenly yanked his hand back, taking a step away from his Mates.

"So, you don't think I could help one of my Mates during their Rut?" Louis challenged with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't say that," Edward replied through his teeth.

"I am here now and I am going to go help my Mate," he growled through his teeth. He skitted around them light-footed when they tried to reach for him and marched out of the building. Although he heard Edward shout for him, it was cut off after the first syllable and he presumed Harry made him shut up.

Louis jogged from one side of the village to the other, from Niall's home to his own. It was his duty as Marcel's Mate to help at this time, after all he expected the Alpha's to help him when he went into his Heat.

Regardless of all that, he definitely wanted this.


He quietly closed the front-door behind him with a click. Although he couldn't hear or see Marcel, but he could certainly smell his rough, Alpha musk leaking down the stairs. Louis felt nervous walking up the stairs, holding onto the banister tightly, the smell starting to get to him, his hole leaking and clenching.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now