Chapter Six

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The formal was really good! However, the food wasn't as good as I expected considering the price! Sorry I haven't updated in a while - there was some family matters to attend to, I'm only recovering from the late night now, and these nails aren't allowing me to type that quickly nor accurately!

I can't believe I haven't said this yet, but thank you to everyone who is reading! Thank you to everyone who has read 'Selectively Mute' for staying with me! You don't know how much people reading this means to me! This is my little escape from reality.


"Why did he go to Edward?" Marcel grumbled.

Harry and Marcel, who had been watching Louis since he came down the stairs, now sat in the living-room on the other sofa, facing their brother and the sleeping Omega.

"You're just jealous," Edward smirked. He wasn't able to touch much of Louis, so curled his hands around the boy's thighs instead.

Marcel opened his mouth to retaliate, but Harry cut them off with a pointed look and a sharp tongue: "Shut up, both of you. He's trying to sleep."

"How do you think he's going to react when he wakes up?" Marcel asked after a few moments of silence.

"Hysteric," Edward shortly supplied.

"He'll be scared, obviously. Probably been on the run for a while. The first thing will be getting him into a bath," Harry planned subconsciously.

"I'll check him, make sure he's okay," Marcel offered.

"He stinks of that other Alpha," Edward growled, the vibrations earning a whimper from Louis as he wiggled to get comfortable again. "I'll have to get that scent off him."

"You're not the only one, Edward," Marcel growled.

"But he likes me the best," Edward smirked.

"Yeah, the one who scared him! Did you see his face?" Marcel snapped.

"Well, who'd he go to first? I don't see him lying on top of you."

Harry sighed. "He's all three of ours, okay?"

Edward rolled his eyes and Marcel sulkily nodded.

As Edward rubbed his thumb in circles on one of Louis' knees, he absentmindedly asked, "Do you think he knows that we're his Mates?"

Marcel looked up at Harry for guidance.

"He was probably too scared last night to notice anything except his instincts to run," Harry offered.

"What happened to the other Omega?" Edward asked.

"I looked at him this morning personally when he woke up. He seems fine, wondering where Louis was, but he was alright when we explained everything and he saw that we meant no harm. Said that him and Louis have been on the run for a while – they have no family left, they're the only ones left for each other. Think Liam's his Mate: they seemed very close," Marcel explained, not taking his eyes of Louis, who was beginning to squirm and whine.

"He's waking up," Harry stated, standing up.

The triplets waited for Louis' eyes to open and then for Louis to realise where he was.

The Omega, in his haste to get away from Edward, got his feet tangled in the duvet and, before he could fall to the floor, was grabbed by Harry.

There wasn't any thunder or lightening this time to cloud his judgement.

He shoved away from the Alpha and was out of the room before Marcel realised what was happening or Edward was up from the sofa.

"Niall?" he screamed.

He ran towards the front door, but his thin shirt was caught and he was stopped in his tracks.

"Really, pint-size, you're running again? Haven't you learnt your lesson?" the Alpha growled in his ear.

When Louis swung back with his arm wildly he was surprised along with the triplets to hear the sickening crunch of his elbow crunching Edward's nose. However, he didn't let his surprise hold him frozen for too long and he was out the door, screaming for Niall, before the triplets noticed.

There was a courtyard in front of the house with homes littering the area, along with shops. There was a cliché flowerbed right in the centre of the courtyard.

Louis just ran freely, never tiring of screaming Niall's name even when his voice had gone hoarse. He ducked past bewildered people. Some people, catching on to what was happening when they saw the Styles triplets running after him, tried to stop him, but Louis, even after this ordeal and not knowing the last time he had had food, was still lithe on his feet and he swayed around them.

That's when he noticed a familiar brunette head step out of one of the buildings.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now