Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You promised," Louis sing-songed with a smile as he pulled Harry's hand, leading him to the backdoor.

"I know, kitten, but what about we pack a basket first, yeah?" Harry chuckled.

"Already done," Edward said emotionlessly as he walked past the couple, handing the basket to Harry in the process, and out the backdoor.

Louis giggled and let go of Harry's hand, chasing after Edward, who already had his arm raised so he could tuck Louis under his arm.

"Thank you, Eddie," Louis whispered with a peck to Edward's shoulder.

"No problem, pint-size." He couldn't help the little smile that pulled at his lips.

"Where's Marcel?" the Omega questioned, looking around himself.

"Right here, princess."

Louis squealed when hands clamped down on his waist and started tickling his sides. "Marcy!"

Edward couldn't hold back his little chuckle when Louis ducked out from under his arm and instead turned to hug Marcel's side, Harry and him walking on with the picnic basket, knowing that Marcel and Louis would follow them.

"It's pretty around here," Louis said, contentedly nuzzling Marcel's arm.

"Not as pretty as you," Marcel whispered, nosing Louis' hair.

"Marcy, that was so cringey!" Louis giggled.

"And that's why you love me," Marcel chuckled with a kiss to the Omega's temple.

Louis stood on his tip-toes to whisper into his Alpha's ear, "That's why I love you, daddy," giving the lobe a little nibble and tug.

Marcel blushed and froze, his eyes wide. He had thought that Louis had forgotten about that, taking it that he had just said that in the heat of the moment – he was embarrassed by how animalistic he became during heated moments.

Louis giggled and walked on, looking over his shoulder at his abandoned Alpha. He was walking in the direction he saw his other Mates disappear in, but he screeched and jumped when a soft hand clamped down on his backside. Another arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him back into a bulky body.

"And I love you, too, princess. Daddy's baby, hm?"

"Yeah, daddy's baby," Louis whispered, turning his face to nuzzle Marcel's smooth cheek.

"Let's go and have our picnic, baby," Marcel smirked. With a smack to Louis' perky backside, they started walking again, wrapped up in each other.


Louis stretched his arms high above his head when he was finished with his lunch, wiggling in Marcel's lap, which he had plopped into as soon as they had the blanket rolled out, his hands coming down to tangle in Marcel's curly brown hair, fisting the hair and cracking his knuckles in the process. He sighed and brought his hands back to his lap, stretching his legs out in front of him before sitting criss-cross again between Marcel's muscular thighs, the Alpha's legs stretched out.

"I have an idea," Harry suddenly said, a smile stretching his face.

"What, love?" Louis mumbled, giving Marcel's jaw a few little kisses.

"Why don't we change into our wolves?"

Louis' head snapped up to look at his long-haired Mate. "I don't know – "

"What's wrong, pint-size?" Edward asked, worried inwardly by his Mate's sudden strange behaviour.

"I haven't changed in a while. I don't know if I could even do it. What if it hurts?"

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now