Chapter Sixty-Eight

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(Niall – 27. Louis - 20)

A week later everyone was still devastated.

Louis had agreed to go home with the triplets, even after Niall tried with all his might to convince him just to come home with him instead. But, Niall did get some time to tell the lifeless looking and acting Omega that he might experience some light bleeding, that the remaining twins were safe, before they parted ways.

The triplets had agreed to make sure that one of them was always with Louis, or to bring him to work with them. That was where the triplets found themselves the following week, watching Louis at the kitchen table nibbling at his breakfast, numb and lifeless, but eating to keep the twins safe.

When Louis broke down in tears for the second time that day, which had been happening frequently since they had left the hospital, Edward was immediately at his side. When he ran his fingers through Louis' hair, attempting to calm him down a bit, Louis flinched away from him. Edward slowly retracted his hand, letting Marcel and Harry shush Louis instead. It hadn't been the first time he'd reacted this way towards Edward, and the Alpha was sure it wouldn't be the last.

The triplets had already agreed the night before that Louis would be going to work today with Harry, because he didn't trust Edward and they were smart enough not to force Louis to stay in a hospital environment for a whole shift after what had happened. So, when Louis had promised that he had finished his breakfast at least three times, he was finally led upstairs by Harry to get changed. Louis just decided to change into a warm jumper, jogging bottoms and fluffy socks, not really giving a shit about what people would think, considering no one else would be in Harry's office except them two.


When the couple arrived at the Head Alpha's office, Louis was motioned in in front of Harry and the Alpha quietly closed the door behind them.

"Um, you can do anything you'd like. I'm just going to answer a few emails and such," Harry explained awkwardly, sitting down in his big chair and switching on the computer.

Louis stood at the door for a moment, deliberating what he was going to do, before he walked over to the sofa. Harry sadly watched the Omega's movements, but he was pleasantly surprised when Louis just grabbed he blanket he had left there so long ago and made his way over to Harry. Harry experimentally opened his arms and Louis slid onto his lap, curling around his belly. Harry helped to wrap the blanket around the Omega, nuzzling Louis' hair.

"I love you," Harry whispered. "I love you so much. Missed you so much."

Louis just nodded, sniffling into Harry's shoulder and closing his eyes.

Harry tried not to look or act hurt, knowing that he couldn't have expected anymore.


The table was quiet at dinner that night. The triplets warily watched Louis picking at his food, taking small mouthfuls, looking glumly down at his plate.

The room was in complete silence, until Louis made a little noise and his hand convulsed around his belly.

"Louis?" Marcel immediately asked. The three triplets were terrified about what could happen.

"They kicked," Louis whispered.

Harry, sitting to Louis' left, held his hand out cautiously. Louis studied the hand, keeping his belly covered with his own little hands, shaking his head determinedly.

"Please, Louis?" Marcel coaxed.

Louis looked at Marcel for a few moments, before he moved his hand lower on his belly. Harry and Marcel curved their hands gently around Louis' belly. Harry fell to his knees beside Louis when he felt a kick against the palm of his hand, cooing to the belly and promising the babies that he loved them and he was going to be the best daddy ever. Marcel leaned over and kissed Louis' belly when he felt a small kick himself.

Louis looked timidly up at Edward across the table, the Alpha watching the scene intently. Louis took a couple of breaths before raising a hand and discreetly calling him over. Edward watched Louis as he stood up and walked around the table until he was behind him. Edward leaned over Louis until his lips were nuzzled in the Omega's hair, sliding a hand down Louis' belly until it was in the middle. When noticing the hand, Marcel and Harry leaned back, giving the couple a minute to themselves. The tip of Edward's fingers rubbed across the tips of Louis', from where his hands were again tightly curved around his belly. Edward's other hand came up to the back of Louis' neck and massaged the skin.

The triplets had finally got to feel the first kicks from their babies, after a week of being denied the treasure. They had finally made progress and the future was looking up, with three Alpha paws and two Omega hands curved around a belly that contained the most precious treasures they could wish for.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now