Chapter Forty-One

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Happy Father's Day!

I've officially finished high school for good (hopefully)! Now onto uni! Did anyone stay in accommodation? Did you like it? I would like some advice!


(Niall – twelve weeks

Louis – pregnant)

Edward directed Louis over to a bench beside the ring, where the warriors waiting to fight could sit and watch what was happening in the makeshift ring. The Omega was sat down beside Liam and told not to move "your pretty little backside" until Edward got back.

Liam and Louis were on speaking terms now, having a little bit of small talk between them as they waited, but they didn't ask any deep questions. They could be cordial to each other, but they certainly weren't best buddies.

Louis showed Liam his ring proudly, the Alpha knowing about their engagement because Louis had called Niall in tears the following morning about it. Liam took a picture, promising to show Niall it, both of them agreeing that Niall would be annoyed that he wasn't here to see the ring in person. Louis promised that he would meet up with Niall soon. The Omega made sure to keep his pregnancy a secret from Liam, making sure he didn't touch his belly too much to raise suspicion.

Neither of them were able to see the ring, warriors watching the fight standing in front of them and blocking their view. Louis knew that it was Edward who was fighting at the moment.

However, both the Alpha and Omega's heads snapped up when they heard gasps come from the crowd, then silence, then shouts, people running into the ring.

Louis raised his hand to cover Edward's Mark when he felt a sharp pain in it, gasping. He knew instinctively that something was wrong.

Liam was already standing, running to see what was wrong, but he didn't expect Edward to be the one on the ground. When he knew that, he turned to hold Louis back, telling him to go home.

But, there was no point doing that with Louis. The Omega stomped down hard on the Alpha's foot and ran into the ring. He pushed through the people crowding around his man and finally was able to fall to his knees beside his Alpha.

"Edward, love?" he whispered, tapping the Alpha's cheek to try and spur him awake again. "Eddie?" He ran his hand through his curls, his engagement ring glinting in the sun. Louis knew the pregnancy hormones were starting to affect him when a tear splashed onto Edward's cheek.

"Louis, come on, I'll take you home," he heard Liam say, but he shoved Liam's arms off him and literally clung to Edward, his hands fisted in the Alpha's shirt.

"Not over my dead body," he growled, snapping his jaws at anyone who dared to come too close. The warriors knew better than to intervene, knowing that Edward was crazy so his Mate must be as well.

Edward's eyes finally opened after a few minutes, blearily looking around himself. "Wha' happen'?" he slurred, his arm unconsciously coming up to wrap around Louis' waist and pulling his Omega closer.

"You got knocked out," Louis whispered, burying his face in Edward's neck and breathing in deeply, happy his Mate was awake and seemed alright.

"I want a rematch," Edward growled weakly.

Louis slapped his chest and looked warningly at the ones standing around them. "Hurt him again and I will happily pull off all your balls." He smiled sweetly, innocently, cocking his head to the side.

Everyone took a cautious step back.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now