Chapter Sixty-Six

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Please don't tell me that you're going to kill me, please don't tell me to fuck off, and please don't tell me that you're going to hunt me down.

Warning: miscarriage


(Niall – 26. Louis – 19.)

Louis groaned and rolled over in bed, clutching his belly.

"Cramps," he whispered, trying to reassure himself that this was normal. He groaned at the stickiness of his pyjama bottoms clinging to his legs, slowly reaching a hand down to pull away his bottoms from his skin, disgusted that his nightmares had made him sweat so much.

Something was left on his hand.

Slowly, he pulled his hand back up to his face and through the darkness he saw the red covering his hand.

Louis let out a blood-curdling scream, followed by screams for Niall and Liam in the next room. The tears ran down his cheeks and the sobs caught in his throat. His arms clung tight to his belly, trying to ease away some of the pain.

He heard the couple come running and his bedroom door was flung open, the light flicked on.

"Louis?" Niall shouted, running over to the bed as fast as he could and flinging the duvet back. When the Omega saw the pool of blood soaked into the sheet around Louis, he screamed involuntarily and automatically took a step back. "Liam, get him to the car," he ordered, rushing back to the bed when he gathered himself together and wrapping a blanket the best he could around Louis, stepping back a bit so Liam could gently try to lift the Omega into his arms, holding him close to his chest.

Niall urged Liam in front of him, telling him not to worry about himself and just to get Louis out to the car as fast as possible.

With Louis strapped into the backseat of the car, Liam was finally able to drive to the hospital.

Niall turned around in the passenger seat and tried to comfort Louis with little touches. "You're okay, Lou, everything will be alright."

Louis groaned in response, his vision fuzzy and pain surrounding him.

"Stay with me, Lou. We're nearly at the hospital."

That was the last thing Louis saw before he passed out.


When Louis woke up an hour later, he found himself swaddled in blankets and an incessant beeping pounding at his ears, the light too bright and a numbness radiating from his belly. The sound of heart wrenching sobbing pulled at his ear drums and he turned his head languidly to see what was happening, his body gasping in protest at the movement. Through the crack of his eyelids, he could see Liam cradling Niall on a plastic chair, the Omega covering his face and crying into his hands.

"Niall?" Louis croaked.

The couple's heads snapped up, whispering, "Louis," in unison.

"I can't feel anything," Louis replied, his eyelids heavy.


He turned towards the new voice, Zayn's.

"Louis, one of your daughters miscarried."

Zayn kept on talking but Louis heard none of it. It took him a moment to break down in tears, not able to register that this nightmare was actually happening. Niall came over and grabbed his hand, but Louis didn't even notice. The numbness wasn't just from his belly anymore, but from his breaking heart.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now