Chapter Fifty-Eight

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(Niall – 22. Louis - 14)

When Louis had finally calmed his breathing and his tears had slowed, he heaved himself up from the chair. He silently picked up a brush and dustpan, kneeled beside the shattered plate and slowly cleaned it up. After he threw away the sharp pieces, he gradually climbed the stairs. He didn't feel like he had the right to step into the master bedroom, so he knocked first and didn't enter until he heard a grunt come from inside the room in acknowledgment. Cracking the door open, he peeked in before stepping in. He closed the door behind him and shuffled into the middle of the room. The big space was lit by the sun that was still up outside, so he could see the scene in front of him perfectly: Harry and Marcel holding each other on top of the duvet, still dressed in their clothes. Harry had stayed strong and wouldn't steep to showing his emotions, but Marcel had perfect matches to the tear tracks on Louis' cheeks.

"I'm sor-ry," Louis' voice broke as the tears started again. "I'm so sorry." He swallowed around the lump in his throat, the two Alpha's just watching him. "I didn't mean any of it, I promise. I was just angry. Please, I'm so sorry," he sobbed.

The two Alpha's rushed up from the bed and towards Louis.

"Don't stress yourself," Marcel whispered emotionlessly, wrapping an arm around Louis' waist and leading him over to the bed. "It's not good for the babies."

Louis cried even harder, hands cradling his growing belly in fright.

Harry sat down in the middle of the bed and held his arms open. "Come here, Louis," he said.

Louis fell into his arms, pulling up his knees and curling around his belly. Harry rocked him back and forth, making little shushing noises. Marcel grabbed toilet paper and shakily tried to clean up Louis' face.

"I love you, please, I'm sorry," Louis babbled on, burying his nose in Harry's neck.

"It's okay, Louis, kitten," Harry whispered into his hair. "You were angry. It hurts but we forgive you."

"It wasn't true," Louis wailed, wiping his nose on Harry's shirt.

"That's okay, that's good. We love you, too," Marcel promised, sitting down beside Harry and rubbing Louis' back.

"Edward doesn't love me," the Omega sobbed. "I wanted to hurt him," he admitted.

"Edward does love you. He's just angry and says things he doesn't mean. Come and get some sleep," Marcel suggested.

Louis defiantly shook his head. "Not sleeping until Edward is home."

"Princess – "

"I need all of you, please," Louis whimpered, wiping away the remaining tears and snot with his sleeves.

"Okay, we'll wait, love," Harry promised, giving Marcel a look.

The trio settled back into the pillows, waiting for their lost puzzle piece.


"I'm going to go get him," Louis stated at around midnight, the room now dark. He jumped out of the bed and ran down the stairs, pulling on the first pair of shoes he could find, a stray pair of slippers, and walking outside.

"Louis, he'll be home soon," Harry said, running in front of his Omega and stopping him with hands on his shoulders.

"He should be home by now, I don't care how angry he is," Louis pointed out.

Marcel tried to interject, "We can look for him in the morning – "

But Louis was already walking around them. "He's probably getting drunk," he mused his thoughts to the Alpha's trying to coax him back inside, changing direction to the only club slash bar in the Pack grounds.


The trio were definitely a sight to be seen when they arrived at the club. Harry and Marcel were still in their work clothes, but Harry, in his rush to chase after Louis, didn't even think he had matching shoes on. Louis was on a completely different level: the Alpha's had managed to coax him into changing into pale blue pyjamas, paired with Edward's untied robe, which was flapping around, and the slippers, he didn't look like a nice sight. Added with the bloodshot eyes, tear stains and messy hair he wasn't a sight to be messed with.

The trio, however, were frozen at what they saw in front of them.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now