Chapter Seventy-Eight

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(Louis – 31)

"Edward!" Louis screamed from downstairs.

Edward's head snapped up from where he was bent over the desk in the office in their home, counting out wages for the warriors. He stood up so fast, the chair fell back. He sprinted out of the room and across the landing, taking the stairs two at a time and stopping in front of Louis at the front door, running his hands over the Omega frantically. "Are you hurt? What's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm fine, silly! Look!" Louis giggled, grabbing the Alpha's paws and cocking his head towards the porch.

Where there were loads of boxes.

"What's this?" Edward asked quietly, eyes wide at the sheer amount of boxes.

"Most of it is furniture for the babies room, but I think a couple of the smaller ones has clothes and bottles and stuff I ordered for them," Louis said, beaming.

"Are you sure it's not too early for all of this?"

"Eddie," Louis giggled, feeling sorry for Edward's naivety right now, "love, these babies can come anytime. So, what you're going to do is take all these boxes up to the landing and we're going to construct the nursery, okay?" He patted Edward's cheek and walked off.

Louis stood in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the doorframe, sipping from a cup of tea, watching Edward lug the boxes up the stairs. When sweaty Edward took off his shirt, Louis couldn't resist giving the Alpha a couple of minutes break from the strenuous work to set Louis on top of the counter and suck off the Omega, Louis returning the gift by giving Edward a handjob. Louis gave Edward a couple of seconds of a breather to clean them both up, before he was patting the Alpha's backside and sending him back on his merry way to taking all the boxes upstairs.

Edward called Louis upstairs when he was finished.

"There's paint in one of these boxes," Louis mused, panting from walking up the stairs but ignoring it and opening all the smaller boxes to get the paint.

"Grey?" Edward asked when Louis opened the tin and began to paint the middle of the walls.

"Unique and gender neutral," Louis smiled. "I don't want one of my babies to feel left out. And it goes well with the white furniture."

"White furniture? Is that for the best?" Edward picked up a paintbrush as well and painted over Louis' head, getting the top of the wall.

"They're babies, Eddie, they can't do that much damage."

"When Marcel was a baby, mum actually had to take off all the door handles on the cupboards because he kept opening them and pulling everything out."

"Well, I don't want you teaching our babies any bad habits," Louis made clear.

"Would I ever do such a thing?" Edward dropped to his knees as Louis moved over to paint the bottom of the wall.

Louis just raised an eyebrow.

Edward chuckled. "I love you."

"Love you, too," Louis grumbled.

When Edward pouted, Louis sighed and leaned down as much as his belly would let him, pecking the Alpha's lips.

They got the first coat of paint done quickly, and Edward put Louis down for a nap while he painted the second coat. Louis woke up just in time for Edward to have dinner ready and to start unboxing the furniture. Edward was stubborn, not reading the instructions for the furniture, but had to relent when he ran out of screws and the crib was certainly not looking like a crib. After a short discussion, Louis made sure of it, about how many rocking chairs they needed when the Alpha unpacked another one, Louis made sure to tell him that he had to be in a nice chair to feed the heirs in the kitchen.

Harry and Marcel arrived home just as Louis was finally satisfied with the nursery. Again, Louis couldn't turn down another dinner when Marcel offered, and the Mates all sat in the living-room while three ate dinner and one snacked, watching a movie. They fell asleep on the floor, cuddled together on top of all the clothes Louis had acquired for his nest.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now