Chapter Seventy-Five

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(Niall – 34. Louis - 27)

"What? I'm coming now!" Louis hung up the phone and ran out of the house.


"Louis?" Marcel asked, walking down the maternity ward corridor towards his Mate sitting on one of the plastic chairs. "What are you doing here, princess? Is everything okay?"

"Niall's babies dropped."

"How long have you been sitting out here?" Marcel sat down beside him.

"A few hours," Louis yawned, "but Liam came out a short while ago and said that he thought they would be here soon."

"I thought Niall a few more weeks to go...I'll go and ring Harry and Edward," Marcel muttered, before scurrying off.

Louis' head snapped up to the maternity ward's door across the hall opening and a flushed Liam stepped out. "Would you like to meet your Godchildren?"

"So, everything is okay? Even though they were born early?" Louis whispered to the Alpha. "'Godchildren'?" he asked then, seeming to comprehend what Liam had said to him.

"Everything's great," Liam reassured him, ushering Louis in with a hand on the small of his back and closing the door behind them.

Louis rushed over to the bed as fast as he could and watched, with a hand on his own belly, as Niall was handed back his little babies. "Hi," he whispered to Niall, and couldn't resist a little finger-wave at the babies.

"Hi," Niall whispered back, a smile of exhaustion across his face.

"Well done." Louis leaned down and gave Niall a kiss on the crown of his head.

"Would you like to hold them?"

Louis had to hold himself back from squealing in excitement.

"So, this is 'Aiden Lucas'," Niall introduced. Louis leaned forward and gently lifted the boy himself, because he knew Niall couldn't do it with another one nestled in his arms.

"Hi, little one," Louis cooed down to the little boy. "You already have your mummy's dimpled chin," Louis giggled, winking at Niall when he heard his appalled grumble.

"And this other little monster is 'Quinn Finley'."

"Those names are so cute, but quite the mouthful, ain't that right," Louis cooed down to the little one in his arms as the boy opened his eyes, blinking up at Louis. He made a little nose, but didn't fuss, already smelling the Omega scent from Louis.

"Come sit," Niall said, shifting his legs to give Louis some room.

"Your family would be so proud," Louis promised in a whisper, giving the little boy a kiss on the forehead.

Niall looked away from his daughter and up at Louis instead, giving him a watery smile and shaky nod in gratefulness.

Neither of them took any notice of the four Alpha's at the door. Three of which were terrified but excited about what was going to come their way. The other Alpha was just wondering how the Hell he was going to get his son away from Louis' tight-grip, and if he would ever get his son back again.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now