Chapter Fifty-Five

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(Niall – 20. Louis – 12)

It started of small, the triplets not even noticing their things going missing or the growing barrier between the wall and the bed made of clothes. Everyone certainly noticed a couple of days later.

"Louis!" Marcel yelled through the bathroom door.

"Yes?" Louis shouted back, rinsing the shampoo out of his hair.

"Have you seen my purple jumper? I want to wear it to Niall and Liam's," Marcel replied, opening the door and stepping in so the couple could talk more clearly.

Louis' eyes widened, however not because Marcel was seeing him naked in the shower, no point being embarrassed in front of his Mates considering his baby belly, but because of the mention of the jumper. "No...I haven't seen that jumper," he said, not able to look Marcel in the eye.

"I gave it to you a while ago to wash," Marcel pondered, thinking nothing about it.

"I found it, Marcel!" Louis heard Harry yell from the bedroom.

The Omega whimpered and shut off the water, running out of the shower and bathroom quickly, sliding to a halt in the bedroom. All three Alpha's looked up in shock at their dripping, naked Omega who looked like he was about to cry. The triplets were frozen in their actions: Edward pulling on his boots, and Harry in the process of handing over the jumper to Marcel, duvet thrown back to reveal Louis' stockpile.

"No!" Louis squealed automatically, one hand covering his mouth immediately, wincing as he didn't mean for the word to slip out.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Please," Louis whispered quietly, holding a hand out for the jumper.

Harry curiously handed over the jumper to his Mate.

Louis snatched the fabric quickly, holding it to his wet chest and covering his mouth and nose. "I'm sorry, I just like to smell them and they're comfy and – "

Marcel cut off Louis' frantic babbling, "Lou, princess, it's okay, really, nesting is a completely natural process."

Louis looked up at Marcel over the jumper, blue eyes glistening and nose sniffling cutely.

"So, what about you get all dried up and then you can get dressed in any of our clothes you'd like," Marcel smiled, giving Louis' forehead a kiss, prying the jumper out of his little hands.

Louis eagerly nodded and headed back into the bathroom, quickly drying himself with a thick towel. He padded softly back into the bedroom to find his Mates sitting patiently on the bed. Marcel pulled another of his jumpers over Louis' head, giving his nose a kiss and rub with his own. Edward helped him into panties and knee-length shorts, giving his belly a rub. Louis held onto Harry's shoulders as the Alpha helped him into Toms. Louis made sure to give all his Alpha's a kiss in thanks.


"So, I think I've seen Marcel wearing that jumper before..." Niall cheekily pondered whilst Louis was helping him prepare plates in the kitchen, their Alpha's at the dining table.

"It's called nesting, a completely natural process," Louis giggled, walking back into the dining room, door closing behind him.

Niall looked down at his own belly. "You better not make me want to nest, I don't want any more trouble." He punctuated his sentence with a gentle poke to his protruding belly.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now