Please read!

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So I deeply apologise for not updating on Sunday, but my exams started yesterday (Monday) with English and I've been frantically revising! I definitely won't be able to get an update in this week, because I have history tomorrow (Wednesday) and the second part of my English on Friday. I have history next Wednesday and then Biology next Friday, but I haven't revised for either of them! If I'm not able to update Sunday, then you know that I'm probably crying and rocking back and forth, trying to get information into my head! My next exam isn't until the 7th, which is biology again, so I should be able to get a update maybe done between history and biology? After the 7th, I only have to do an English repeat on the 17th, but I'll definitely get an update up then! If I don't, please annoy the hell out of me! Sometimes I forget! You can always message me about anything! And I love reading comments, even though I never have the time to reply!

I'm having a bad time at the moment, in all honesty. I'm stressed because of these exams, shown by the multiple cold sores I keep on waking up with! I feel a lot of pressure on me to do well in these exams because my parents have got me tutors for all three of my subjects. Even though my parents keep telling me they won't be disappointed in me, I'm a teenager who wants to give my parents everything! I applied for nursing and midwifery for four spots on my UCAS, but unfortunately I didn't get my offers. I have an offer for history, but I'm just going to decline it because it's in Scotland and I don't want to do a straight degree in which I'll have to probably apply for a PGCE then, to get a job. I'm very lost and confused at the moment because I don't know what to do at the moment, and I don't think I want to do nursing anymore. I always wanted to do journalism and radio, and my dream was to work on Radio 1, but to me that's a 'fantasy job', which I can only dream about. My mother doesn't think I'd be able to handle to competition and rejection and all that. I was maybe going to apply through clearing for media or something along those lines, but at the moment I'm going on a gap year after my exams. Which I am wholly not prepared for! I am the kind of person who wants a plan, and at the moment my life is not going to plan and I don't like it. Which is why I'm writing this at 23:30 the night before one of my A2 exams! I really have my heart set on journalism and radio and all that jazz, because I've always wanted to do it, but it's just trying to convince my parents!

Does any do or has done media/broadcasting/radio/journalism/anything else they'd recommend at university?

So, I just wanted to let you all know why I'm not updating, and it also seemed like a good way to get this off my chest! Remember that I appreciate all your comments and votes, I love you all unconditionally! Except you lose my love if you're a murderer and all those bad people! Just thought I'd get that out there!

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