Chapter Fifteen

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Okay, I'm back! I got my mocks done, badly but done!

So, this will seem very rushed but it fits into the story, kind of! 


It was a week later when the triplets and Louis were cuddling in the living-room whilst eating breakfast. Marcel was intentionally tickling Louis so he could hear the Omega's giggles. Edward was feeding Louis, acting like he hated the chore but he actually really loved the privilege, especially with Louis sitting on his lap. Harry just liked that Louis was leaning his back against his arm, the warm, light pressure reminding him that this Omega was real and not just a vivid dream.

The peaceful scene was ruined when the front-door was banged open. Louis jumped, startled. The Alphas calmed him down with soothing shushes before sliding out from underneath him and walking silently to the living-room door to see who was trying to break into their home.

When they saw who it was, they visibly relaxed, shoulders slumping and slight smiles pulling at their lips.

Liam was having to hold Niall back as the Alpha attempted to walk calmly into the house. They both had wide smiles on their faces.

Louis stood and padded over to the triplets, crowded around the door, on his bare feet.

"What is it?" he whispered against Edward's bare shoulder, giving the spot a kiss as well, trying to stand on his tip-toes to see what was happening, but he couldn't see anything over the Alpha's muscular shoulders.

"Your friend, pint-size, is trying to destroy our front-door," Edward replied gravelly.

Louis giggled and pushed through his three Alphas to see his little friend in the foyer, knowing exactly who it was. He pouted when he noticed that Liam was with him. He walked over to Niall and grabbed his hand, yanking him away from the Alpha and leading him into the kitchen, closing the door behind them.

"Louis!" Niall squealed, trailing off into a giggle. Louis didn't think he'd ever see the day when Niall actually spun on one foot like a ballerina, but there was a first time for everything.

"What, Niall?" Louis mocked his excited tone, grabbing his friend's shoulders and grounding him.

The only thing Niall did in response was grab his shirt collar and yank it down, exposing his throat and collarbones. It took Louis a second to notice the bite Mark and fading bruise.

"Did he hurt you, Niall?" Louis demanded in a monotone voice.

"No, Lou! I love him!" Niall said, aghast. He couldn't believe that his friend had even insinuated that.

Louis let go of Niall's shoulders and took a step back.

Niall stepped forward with a hurt look in his eyes, raising his hands to catch the silent Omega but Louis was already out of the room, the door left wide open. Niall ran after him, calling his name, following his friend (maybe ex-friend) as he ran into the living-room where the Alphas were.

When Louis stepped into the room, the triplets were congratulating Liam, giving him pats on the back and smiles. They obviously knew about the new developments in the couple's relationship.

When Niall finally reached the door, he had to watch in silence, wincing, as Louis stepped up to the group of Alphas, his hands fisted at his sides.

"If you hurt him – "

The Omega cut himself off with a squeeze of his eyes, a sigh and a shake of his head.

Niall took a step forward, genuinely worried about what his friend was going to do.

The triplets cautiously stood up, ready to catch Louis if he flung himself at Liam in a fit of fury.

Liam sat timidly on the sofa, genuinely afraid to move encase the Omega attacked him.

Louis finally opened his eyes. He breathed deeply and let it out again before he reached forward, grabbed Liam's shirt and yanked him to his feet.

"Louis!" Niall screamed.

The triplets were ready to pounce on Louis.

Liam was starting to shake in fear.

What no one expected, though, was for Louis to engulf Liam in a hug, holding him as tight as he could.

Everyone simultaneously smiled, breathing a sigh of relief.

If Niall loves him, maybe I can too? Louis thought to himself, squeezing the Alpha for good measure.

Liam was too stunned to return the hug, arms hanging at his sides.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now