Chapter Four

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Louis couldn't breathe. This couldn't be happening. His heart was thumping, his mind was clouded and his throat was clogged.

He could hear leaves crushing under someone's feet behind him, shoving foliage out of the way to get closer to the Omega.

Then, figures appeared in front of him, advancing.

His stumbled but quickly veered to the right, but was stopped, frozen, with a few simple words.

"Don't even think about it, pint-size."

Louis pivoted and there was Curly.

He took a quick step back.

"Trying to run from me? That's not very nice," Curly growled. He stepped forward quickly, but Louis didn't miss a beat in stepping back in sync. "You can't run from me, pint-size," he promised with a smirk.

"Edward, back off," another voice ordered.

Louis turned on his heel, his head finding the owner of this new voice. Not far from him was a softer version of Curly, wearing glasses. Louis had to look over his shoulder back at the original copy just to make sure he wasn't playing a trick on him.

"The Omega has to learn not to run," Curly Original growled, eyes not moving from the skittish Omega between them.

Louis took a step to the side slightly, aiming to do it unnoticed, making sure to keep them both in his line of view.

"Harry, tell Edward that this is unnatural and inhumane," Curly Number Two pleaded, looking over Louis' head.

Louis had to spin on his heel again to see behind him. He didn't realise how close the Alpha behind him was and consequently had to take a step back with a gasp. How did he not feel this new Alpha's breaths on the back of his head?

There was another replica, this time with multiple tattoos showing under his thin, white tee-shirt. Louis felt like he was losing his mind.

"Edward, remember your manners," Curly Three reprimanded, then he turned to Curly Numero Dos. "Happy now?"

Louis swayed on his feet.

This couldn't be happening to him.

He pivoted again to make sure that Curly Original and Soft Curly were still there. When he noticed that a fourth clone wasn't there, at least not yet, to finish off the square blocking him in, he took his chance.

He was almost there, almost to freedom; however, as he ran past Tough Curly, his hair was grabbed and he was dragged into his muscular body.

"Told you not to run, pint-size," he scolded, bending forward so Louis could hear every harsh syllable and breath directly brush against his ear. One arm wound round Louis' waist, holding his hips back tightly against the Alpha's, his other hand curled around the front of the Omega's delicate throat.

Louis could only remember how easily he had crushed that Alpha's windpipe only minutes previously.

Marcel and Harry watched Louis' panicked eyes darting around the forest, his weak, tiny body struggling to get away from the strong Alpha.

"Edward, don't – "

Louis didn't know which triplet said this in their own panic hurriedly, but they were too late anyway. Curly One had already grabbed the Omega's hair and angled his head to the side, teeth latching onto the back of his neck. Louis expected his sharp, elongated canines to break the skin, Mating him and also fatally hurting him in such a sensitive spot in the process, but the canines just latched onto the loose flap of skin, like a bitch would carry her pup.

Louis felt boneless and didn't have any thought going through his mind. He was completely relaxed, Edward's arm around his waist the only thing that supported his body from crumbling to the ground. Little whimpers escaped his lips, however not in pain but like he was dreaming.

He finally was free of every thought, every worry, every fear.

"Edward," Louis faintly heard one of his clones snap.

Because Louis' head had dropped, through his half-lidded vision he noticed a pair of faded brown boots stepping into his line of view. Fingers clasped his chin and his head was lifted, eliciting a whine from Louis, looking into the Omega's clouded eyes.

"Edward," the clone holding the Omega's chin said softly, "let him go."

Edward growled against the back of Louis' neck, but released the skin. Louis fell forward, only the support of the arm around his waist and the fingers clasping his jaw holding him up.

"Marcel," the triplet holding his jaw said, not looking away from Louis' eyes that were trained on his own fuzzily, "check him."

Marcel timidly stepped forward. He snapped his fingers in front of Louis' face until he finally got the Omega's attention, his eyes sliding slowly over to look at Soft Alpha. "Hey, princess," the Alpha greeted before checking his pupils and reactions. "I think he's fine," he stated, "I think everything's just gotten to him and Edward helped him to have a little break from reality."

"Okay, let's get him back to the Pack," Louis faintly heard, before he was lifted into someone's arms. The carrier wrapped Louis' arms around his neck and legs around his hips, and carried him off as everything went black.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now