Chapter 1

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Camp Half-Blood FANFICTION


Running is definitely something I have gotten better at lately, cuz it seems like that's ALL I'm doing! You see, when things get tough, I run. And I don't mean it like, when I can't figure out a question on my homework sheet, I go for a jog. No, what I'm talking about is when people start dying, when monsters start attacking, when abnormal things start happening, I run away. The longer I stay in one place, the more lives are taken, the more disaster strikes, so I've been on the run.

I can't stay in one place for too long. I'm the girl that you see on the news, the girl who ran, and has been running ever since. I can't go back. Once you see me leave, you will never see me again, because I don't turn back. I don't make connections with people, and I don't make friends. I don't even tell them my real name. I go by a different one every time.

So what's my real name you ask? Tempest, but if you ever call me that, you will be dead before you get the chance to blink. So what do I want you to call me? Alex.

My full name is Tempest Alexandrea Parker. Yes, I know, it's horrible, so please just call me Alex. But you have to understand that my dad was strange. He was like me. He could make mysterious things happen, and everyone called him crazy. But he made me believe that anything is possible if you can believe.... So maybe I should stop believing, because now is when everything changes.

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