Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Percy

Alex and Leo had come up to us, asking us about Circe. This seemed extremely random. What, was Alex trying to get some sisterly bond with her? Ya, the evil witch-goddess was definitely someone to get chummy with. They should go out and get some ice cream sometime, or low-fat frozen yogurt! Ya, that definitely sounded like a good girls-night out. Maybe turn some random dudes on the street into guinea pigs. Great fun, great fun. She soon cleared some of it up though, when she showed us the prophecy, and I understood why they were thinking if Circe could have something to do with it. I mean, she WAS a child of Hecate as well, and definitely was growing weaker. Maybe they needed Alex’s powers so Circe could regenerate or something, like in Doctor Who. Or maybe they wanted Alex to BECOME Circe. It would make sense if that’s why Alex always has to try fighting her magic when it got out of control.

“Reyna might know something,” said Jason suddenly. That sounded like a good idea to me. I didn’t have very good memories when it came to Circe’s island in the sea of monsters. It really sucks being a rodent.

We decided to iris-message Reyna to see if she knew of any prophecy that had to do with Hecate, and I sensed she did. She became extremely defensive after we mentioned the prophecy.  Before that though, she was pretty helpful to Alex. She had explained who Circe was, and the kind of things she could do, like create illusions, charmspeak, telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Alex had seemed rather impressed, and she burst into a fit of laughter when Annabeth had told her the story from when we were there. We had kind of set Blackbeard on her, which Reyna didn’t think at all funny because we had kinda ruined her home. After we hung up, I figured I should voice what I had been thinking the whole time, and it seemed pretty obvious that I wasn’t the only one suspecting something like this.

“You think that my fate is to BECOME Circe? To reawaken her to her full strength?” She looked down, thoroughly confused.  But another thing was that the prophecy was to come true. It was fixed, probably before she was ever born, and now it was happening, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

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